So gumby I gues if they treat you the way they do then its alright to treat them the same way? I take it to say that two wrongs make it only half right?
Posts by KGB
My Very First Door
by LB inback what seems like a zillion years ago i finally got up the courage to take my first door.
i had been out in service a few times, but this was going to be the one where i did all the talking.. knock knock knock.
door opens, i shuffle my feet and say "nice door, did you buy that or did it come with the house?".
My First Door ? All I remember was seeing a smiling old ladies face and then slam I was looking and wood grain. LOL
Did Jesus Die on a Cross or Stake
by Tommy Boy ini have been research the topic of how christ died and have read many articles (most interesting of them was at the url which indicate that he died on a cross, so i contacted the wt and they told me to look at vine's expository dictionary of new testament words, and this is what i found.
topic: cross, crucify
<a-1,noun,4716,stauros> .
I have watched some programs on the Discovery channel and TLC chanel about archeaolgist that have indeed found items that prove his death was on a cross. They have also done test with live human bodies and corpses to see how long they could survive either there hands above there heads and to there sides. Studies say that if a man was hanging in a deathly way with his hands above his head that in just 6 to 9 minutes the lungs begin to break down and weaken and within 15 - 20 minutes he suffocates. The scriptures make it to be that he was alive for several hours while suffering on the cross. Now I am not a JW by far but I also believe it does not matter how he died but that he did die for the biblical purposes presented in scripture.
A hard question to answer?????????
by Jesika ini was in chat early this morning with country girl and she posed a ?
i found kinda hard to answer................ .
i had to really think hard to answer this question.
I like the fact that I get better looking everyday. Yah ???
I know the Bible is True
by SwedishChef ini know the bible is true because.... * it is infallible.
there is not one contradiction with these pages.
humans are fallible; the bible is not.. * the word of god is the source of true wisdom.
Hey Look people, Christianity is based on a faith system, what is faith ? Believing in something you cannot see taste or touch..So because of that noone should have to prove to anyone wether it is true or not. We all live our lives in a same type belief, so why would it matter if it is true to one person and not the other. It`s what fits for that individual. So in retrospect of the first post I think this is a waste od discussion. hahahaha Ya Man I do believe in the one who has saved me.....AMEN
Reality check: World less happy about America
by Pathofthorns infacinating results from a global poll relating to public opinions of america in various countries around the world.. [url][/url].
a major survey on international opinion released in washington yesterday shows u.s. popularity has plunged across much of the world amid mounting perceptions that the united states is running roughshod over other nations.
the planet's sole superpower commands only tepid affection, just as the u.s. government struggles to win international support for a possible military incursion against iraq as the next stage in its war on terrorism.. in fact, the prospect of a u.s.-led offensive aimed at overthrowing iraqi dictator saddam hussein has become a major irritant between washington and even its closest allies.. .
I think George W. Bush is a very dangerous man, and I agree that his only reason for attacking Iraqis solely of greed. I think he is every bit possible to sennd us into a great world disruption...Hum I wonder where I read about all this at ?
Gone for good?
by JH inwhat would make you come back to the organisation?
after the 9-11 events, many were scared of what would happen next, and returned to the meetings.
now that the dust has fallen, in more ways than one, what event in your life would make you reconsider and go back this time for good.. .
Not even wild Horses, all the gold in Fort knox could not convince me to go back. They are a doomed faith for they added to and took away from Gods words.
What do you suggest I do about this?
by Mulan inmy 90 year old jw mother told a friend of mine this yesterday: "marilyn said that not a day goes by that she doesn't regret leaving the truth.
" my friend called me to report it to me, because she knows better.. what i told mom is this: "i hope someday i will come to a time when i can forget i was ever a jw, and don't think about it every day.".
she got something different out of it than what i intended.. i don't care that she told this particular friend, but i would hate it if she is saying that to other people in her congregation.
I think a lot of us have these same problems with our JW family. Your not going to change her because of her age for one and the other ? Well they are so damned brain washed they do not know how to think differently.
gumby is right he is a wuss..............................
by hamptonite21 ini work in the lending industry, im an account rep for a wholesale mortgage bank.
royal bank of canada in newyork.
edited by - hamptonite21 on 12 november 2002 22:40:6.
I am a property manager and a painting contractor. Let me color your world
What Was The 1st Thing That Made You Question?
by minimus inas a youngster raised in the "truth", i had my questions.
but anytime you ask a question that is unanswerable, you are told to just wait on jehovah.
as time passes, i believe that we store up a number of unanswerable questions that forces one to eventually think about everything.
Well first I am not a newbie I got a virus and had to change everything.
My story has to start at the beginning, in January of 1997 I suffered an Anyuerism in my brain. I almost lost my life. I got scared and felt the need to get closer to God in case I was to die. My Mother being a JW knew of my plan and was sure to be there with her gospel of the "truth" ? They made things to sound very comforting with there words of a perfect paradise. I fell for it. Although I was never Baptized I was considered to be a Unbaptized member of there org. I studied hard as I was desparately searching for that inner peace with my soul, and they knew my situation with my health and they played on it and used it to get me in. So they convinced me that it was the "truth" ?
I was just a couple of weeks from being Baptized and I was out in service one afternoon with the Elder that was studying with me. He asked me, what are some of the things your looking forward to as a member of the "truth" ?... The first thing I said was to finally be able to find and have and keep a wife as I had, had so many failed relationships in my past. His reply was " because your on disability you would not be classified as a proper husband to a sister because you could not support her properly" Let me tell you I was totally flabergasted when he said this to me. I thought to myself well I can count more than I have fingers and toes the amount of families in just our kingdom hall where the wife worked and supported the family because of disabled husbands. Then in the very same day he says to me while we wereout knocking on doors that aperson can only gain Gods Spirit by doing just so. Well that was it for me, after telling me these two thingsI wenthome that night and I prayed and I told God that I had been fooled before (I was a Mormon in the early 70`s) and I toldhim in my prayer I was not going to stand to be fooled again or I might aswell be dead....Folks you would not guess where he led me >>. Right here to Freeminds<< Thank you Randy for all that you have done for me... Well thats my story ! and I`m stick`in to it.
I want to take the time to thank each of you also, I don`t post much but I do read a lot of your post. May the Lord walk with each of you.... So the moral of this story ? Don`t tell me I`m worthless or I`ll kick your ASS ~~~~~~