Heck yeah I read the book, I too could not put it down after starting to read it, It helped me tremendously in realizing the truth about that false religion. It has also helped me in confronting the JW`s when they come to my door......Its a really good book and every JW should read it, if they did and still stayed in then those are some real dumb ass people....
Posts by KGB
Crisis of Conscience
by Cheyannesways ini am on the last chapter of this book!
i can hardly put it down.
have you all read it?
Who's your idol?
by JH in.
do you have an idol or a person that you look up to?.
please, share with us who your idol is?.
Jesus Christ is my idol
Have You Recieved Any Benefit From This Web Site???
by minimus inare you happier since you've found this place?
if jwd were gone tomorrow, would you just look for another site to get involved with?
my opinion of this board is that it is one of the best boards to learn current information from.
Let me say this ! It was this site as well as freeminds that helped me to find the truth of the JW religion. It was this site that saved me from a future of misery because it was this site that taught me what the JW religion really is "A LIE" After coming to this site I felt really ignorant by allowing them to brain wash me so badly. So the answer to the question, Hell yes this site benefited me greatly and I am grateful for most of you here.
Do you think you will ever experience terrorism yourself?
by freedom96 ini bet the people in the twin towers never thought they would be the victims of a terrorist attack.
sometimes the stuff that happens overseas seem so far away.
i look around my community and find it hard to believe that anything is going to happen here.. i live in southern califonia, near san diego, and who knows?
Hell I am experiencing a form of terrorism right now from my JW parents..........And there not even Islamic Go figure.....
What's the worst sin that you knew a JW commited? Espec. Elders, Bethelites
by FreeofGuilt inthe po of my congregation was screwing another elders wife- i have more, but i wanna hear yours!
Oh and thank goodness someone was watching over me because I never did get baptized hehehehe
What's the worst sin that you knew a JW commited? Espec. Elders, Bethelites
by FreeofGuilt inthe po of my congregation was screwing another elders wife- i have more, but i wanna hear yours!
Ive been waiting for this a long time. My mother and step father are JW`s. Baptized in 1975 and in 1979 with pictures as evidence my mother had sex with another woman while her JW husband watched. They also smoked pot and they smoked it with me. But I was not a JW. Today she is a gossiper in a bad way. For someone who has done all these things and hardly attends meetings it suprises me that they still aloow her in their church.
Its funny that when I was preparing to be baptized I had to walk the straight and narrow in order to be baptized but I guess once your in you can do all kinds of nasty things and still be apart of it.
Are You Afraid That You Will Die at Armageddon?
by minimus inthe watchtower constantly threatens us that we must be on guard or else.
are you afraid that you will die at armageddon??
Oh and I`m not a JW go figure that one hahahahaha
Are You Afraid That You Will Die at Armageddon?
by minimus inthe watchtower constantly threatens us that we must be on guard or else.
are you afraid that you will die at armageddon??
No, I have Jesus and I believe in Romans 8:2
" For in the law of the spirit in Christ Jesus has saved me from the law of sin and death"
JW Disfellowshipping Is a SIN Against God!
by minimus inone of the signs of the "last days" is that there would be "no natural affection" shown.
people would be "self-assuming, haughty, disloyal, without love of goodness, headstrong, puffed up with pride, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power,(and from these turn away).
"......does this not describe jehovah's witnesses today???
Let me tell you something mister your forgetting the whole key to Jesus, He was all about Love.. He even said that the two most important commandments were to Love your God with all your heart, mind and soul and to love your neighbor. I suppose when I was out in service one day with three other gentlemen driving down the road and a gal was broken down in her car and was trying to push the car off the road by herself and it was apparent that she was having a hard time with it and when I suggested we pull over and help her the others all said " Oh she will get it" Oh but if that had been a sister in your dumb ass religion they would have done everything and anything to help her. You don`t know a thing about true love that Jesus taught, crap you don`t even know who Jesus was. Your a F*****G idiot
Why On Earth Did You Ever Become A Witness & What Made You Decide To Leave?
by minimus ini've known for years that if i was visited at my home by jehovah's witnesses, i would have become a do not call.
i would have firmly but politely told the witnesses to never come back to my door and bother me again.
since i was raised "in the truth", i learned the religion from infancy.
Hmmmmmm I see that most of you were very young and most brought up in this cult so I can see why so many were so easily deceived. Not like me being a ripe 38 years old when I fell into their realm of lies. In 1997 January I suffered an Anyuerism and of course being the perfect victim they shrouded me with "don`t you know this could happen to you again" and are you prepared to live forever in paradise earth if you die? Well folks let me tell you when you come within a hair of death it will make you think about things like that and sure enough I did and was. So I was the perfect target and I was the perfect dummy and fell for their lies and deceit.
Now how did I get out of it ? Good question... I was living with my JW mother and step father after my illness until I could regain enough strength to move back out on my own again. I had received a back settlement from Social Security for my illness and so I purchased a computer. I got online right away. The first thing I typed into the computer in a search box was Jehovahs Witnesses and I found this site called freeminds. After reading all the things I read at freeminds a friend whom also replies here turned me on to a book called Crisis of Conscience. Hey any dummy after reading all that info would still be in that faith deserves to be called a dummy. I got the hell out and quick. Boy they were coming to my door everyday wondering why I was not at the meetings and etc as I was a 100% attendence for almost a year. I would have to peek out my windows to see if it was a JW or not before I would answer my door until they finally quit coming. Hooray...Yeah just weeks before being baptized I quit going. Now if that was not the good Lord watching over my soul I don`t know what you would call it. well thats my story and I`m stickin to it........