I personally have not stepped foot into a kingdom hall since about July or August of 1997
Posts by KGB
by plmkrzy inin god?.
jesus spent close to 20 years convincing people he was the savior and the son of god.. .
he did such a good job of it that 2,000 years later a large portion of the world still believes it.. .
No Jesus didnt loose his faith but Gumby did....
Do demons flee from the name of God?
by ClassAvenger inalright, i need a question answered, if possible with bible versicles.
do demons flee when someone pronounces god's name, jehovah?
i know this is a belief from the jws, but i don't know on what it is founded, or if it is.
Yep and so do apostates
How to get rid of Jehovah's Witnesses
by ballistic inwhen they ask, "can i talk to you about god?
" reply, "sure, what would you like to know?
answer the door with a bloody knife and say, "i'm sorry, could you come back in a half hour?
Your full of it Jehovahs witnesses are the easiest to scare off they have not guts, No gonads at all everyone I knew would confront you to your face they all would do it dirty behind your back. You can`t prove any different by me, I was involved I know how they are. A bunch of yellow bellied chicken livered cowards. Sorry beryblue if that seems hard to swallow but history tells it like it is...
I'm Thinking of Doing Something Drastic
by Bendrr inok, here's the deal.. way back when i got df'd i kinda went wild.
started riding motorcycles, wore rock group t-shirts, got 3 earrings in my left ear, got a tattoo, and grew my hair long.
i had to cut it once back in '93 because my employer said to.
I had real long hair once. I was in a rock band and a lead singer. In 1996 I moved to California and it was so hot that was the first thing to go. I had hair down to my belt. I cut it all off and still to this day its short and I found that I like it much better short. Why ? I use less shampoo and I dont need to comb it (lol)
How to get rid of Jehovah's Witnesses
by ballistic inwhen they ask, "can i talk to you about god?
" reply, "sure, what would you like to know?
answer the door with a bloody knife and say, "i'm sorry, could you come back in a half hour?
NO, NO, NO you all got it all wrong this is what you do. You know how when a person is killed and they want to investigate the death so they chalk out the body ? Well you lay on your porch chalk out your body or use masking tape the you spread watchtowers and awakes around the marked out body on the porch. I guarantee you will never even get one to knock on your door.....
My Observation: The People On this Board Are Very Nice
by minimus inthe more i get to know you, the more i appreciate what you've gone through and the more i feel a kinship toward you.
so many here are kind hearted people.
this board just keeps getting better and better!!
Hey I just want to say that I am glad to be here as I have shared and learned a lot of things and I have found friendship here and kindness and help to overcome some things that I needed help with. I hope that I can become friends with more of you. If I can help anyone here please feel free to let me know and I will only be happy to do the best I can. Thanks everyone.....
Ray Franz.....LIAR?
by integ inone of my witness family members agreed to take a look at crisis of conscience, and after.
perusing the first couple of chapters, said that she thought it could be all made up.
agreed that the documents presented could be legitimate, but as far as franz's personal.
Actually I did get to read some of his second book but it was barrowed and the person that loaned it to me had a friend he wanted to read so I said I know enough about them already and this person needs it more than I so I gave it back but only got to read about half way or so.
Any here really enjoy going out in service?
by freedom96 ini hated it with a passion!
who enjoyed it??.
i can possibly imagine someone who's home life was miserable, and it was an excuse to get out of the house.
I didn`t enjoy it at all, I don`t know how anyone can enjoy people slamming doors in their face. Or literally being physically removed from their property, man if that is fun then I`m going to rob a bank.
Ray Franz.....LIAR?
by integ inone of my witness family members agreed to take a look at crisis of conscience, and after.
perusing the first couple of chapters, said that she thought it could be all made up.
agreed that the documents presented could be legitimate, but as far as franz's personal.
I read that book myself and it was a very well written book. I think she might have of told someone that they were reading it and thats why they only read a couple of chapters and thats why the rely back you got. Because someone gave her the same reply. The WTS is very good at making everything and everyone against them evil. When I read the first chapter I could not put it down I was up late at nights and into that book every second I could get hell I even turned down opportunities of fun just to read that book. I believe Ray Franz`s words and every single one of them too. That book taught me a lot about there religion...You Go Ray and write another book I think hes still alive isnt he ?