Iv'e asked God to take me back to the past so I could save my father from the terrible death he suffered but he told me I had to build a time machine in order to do that. Anybody have some blueprints?
Posts by KGB
I put my burden on Jehovah, but he gave it back
by Nosferatu inremember all those times that you waited on jehovah for help?
remember how he didn't help?
tell some of your experiences of how jehovah didn't help you in your time of need.
Are You Happy That You Are The Color Or Nationality That You Are?
by minimus indo you wish that you were of a different race or heritage than you are ?
I am what they call a dark German, I too in the summer get as dark as a mexican or a black person, I even get asked what nationality I am but I just tell them to take there own pick as it really does not matter to me if I am black, brown, red or yellow or even white, because in my own heart we are all from the same two people Adam and Eve........ Go ahead take your pick !!!!
Town says ban on Jehovah's Witness canvassing reasonable
by Rado Vleugel in.
the canadian city of blainville believes it has the right to restrict how people express their religion in public in order to protect people's rights to privacy in their own homes.. jehovah's witnesses pay $100 for an annual permit for door-to-door visits of a non-commercial nature permit holders can canvass for only two months each year.. read the whole article on http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org.
rado vleugel
I think they should make each one personally pay the $100.00 do you think that they would all apy that to knock on our doors ? Or would the borg pay it for them ?
I live in a mobile park and I was told the other day by the owners that we were going to have a JW family move a mobile into the park. The owners told me that they told this family that if they were caught knocking on any doors that they would be evicted....I wonder how this will work with the freedom of speach act or the right to religion ????
I personally was glad to hear that but then I would love for them to come to my door so I can drill them....I want it I don`t want it I want it I don`t want it.......bzzzzzzzzzz
Who is happier??
by SpiceItUp inthose who believe in god or those who don't?.
do you think its more satisfying to know that you are responsible for your own actions and that its completely up to the choices you make?
or is the hope that "god" gives give a nice goal to reach for even if you have specific things to follow?.
I personally think it is much easier for a person to follow there own instincts and as Jesus said, the road to heaven is long and narrow and the road to hell is short and wide. I personally would rather follow what Jesus says as I prefer to think that there is more to life than just life here on earth as we know it today. I would rather be safe than sorry and I also know from personal experience that following Jesus teachings and not following his teachings, does make a difference. To me anyways. I find much more happiness in my life being a kind, loving and giving person than to be the kind of person I was before I found Jesus. I also prefer the thought of there being something more to my life than to just live and die because if that were the case then life would all be in vain. I cannot believe that we are all here just to be in vain. There has to be a purpose otherwise why would we even be here ?
Our instinct allows us to be GOOD or to be BAD there are good benefits to being GOOD and there are no benefits in being bad because if we are a bad person people tend to not like us but if we are a good person we are well loved and admired. I`ll leave it at that........God Bless Us Everyone.
does altruism exist?
by SpiceItUp indoes it exist?
altruism is defined as.
1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others.
I agree with freewill... "Have a heart and enjoy life in giving"
What Is Your Favorite Jewelry???
by minimus inif you could enjoy a jewelry present of any sort, what would you want??
None, I can't even stand a ring on my finger it irritates me to no end.
The ups and downs of being a short guy
by Maverick ini recognized at a young age that most women prefer men that are taller than themselves.
i read somewhere that this is in part due to taller men make women feel safe and feminine.
makes sense to me.
Hey man I would not worry about your height, it takes all kinds to make this world go around, tall ones and short one, fat ones and skinny ones, good looking ones and ugly ones (eeeeewwwwwww) lol smart ones as well as dumb ones so give yourself a break. Besides if a gal does not want you because your short then its probably a good thing anyways......I don`t like being alone but at the same time being single allows me to do whatever I want......SO THERE !!! LOL
What religion are you now?
by Michalea ini've struggled with wanting to be 'something' mostly probably to fill that hole that was left and to try and belong somewhere, anywhere really.
so i've tried penecostal, presbyterian, united churches but they all seem fake.
i always compared everything to the jw's, and didn't even realize it.
Well it is true that church does not save us, only Jesus can do that. But I do find pleasure in going to church and I attend a Baptist church. Its nice to have friends to associate with as it keeps me in line and helps me not to stray away from the Lord.
Boy killed by an Alligator...ewwww...
by JH inalligator grabs, drowns boy in marina
tavares, florida (ap) -- a 10-foot alligator attacked and killed a 12-year-old boy who was swimming near a marina in central florida, police said.
brian griffin was pulled under the dark water wednesday, minutes after two friends spotted alligators and screamed for him to get out of the dead river where they had been swimming, witnesses said.. deputies and witnesses saw the alligator surface at least once with the boy in his jaws, but the animal quickly disappeared across the river, the orlando sentinel reported in a story for thursday editions.. the boy was under for at least 25 minutes before a sheriff's helicopter spotted him and dropped a buoy to guide deputies, who pulled him up.
I hate them things just like I hate a snake....Poor kid, but I guess he should of heeded his friends warning hey ?
Well I`ll be there with rings on my fingers and bells on my toes. (Not)
I am going but no bells or rings, I can't wait. I couldn't wait when Spiderman came out and I bought it as soon as it hit the store shelf, first thing when it opened actually. I hear that they are going to be making films of all the comic book heros so this ought to be interesting. I thought they did a pretty good job making the Spiderman, now with all there computer imaging capabilities. So on opening night you will see me in line with the rest of the nuts. LMAO