Add me to the fan list and you're right Mike! Julia Sawalha is as cute as a bug's ear isn't she?
JoinedPosts by Surreptitious
"Absolutely Fabulous" and my confession
by Bendrr ina show i'm sure you brits are familiar with.
for those of you here in the states, the show is a british sit-com that used to run on comedy central and now runs on oxygen.
yes, your old buddy bendrr actually tuned in to the oxygen channel...only to watch abfab though.. i love that show.
Jerusalem Destroyed in 586 B.C.E.
by Surreptitious ini've been doing some research and while everything i've read makes it clear that jerusalem was destroyed by nebuchadnezzar in 586, can anyone point me to where i might read how historians arrived at that date?.
all the sources i've seen just say that it's so.
as a matter of fact.
I've been doing some research and while everything I've read makes it clear that Jerusalem was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586, can anyone point me to where I might read how historians arrived at that date?
All the sources I've seen just say that it's so. As a matter of fact. Much like other publishers we all know.
A Masturbators Greatest Fear...
by Englishman that his dead relatives are watching him whilst he does it!.
so says a recent poll in the london times supplement anyway .
interestingly, typing this subject matter into google reveals similar results.
I remember when I was a kid suddenly thinking, "Oh no!!! Brother Knorr SAW that!!!"
Quit smoking crack...the USA is not a bully!
by dolphman inwhat are hippies smoking these days?
let me explain a few things to everyone:
let's chew on this first: what if america wasn't the world's only superpower?
Here's an option!
Rob, I double dare ya!
Nude Women Protest War Again
open marriages, anyone have experience?
by Pierced Angel inwell, my husband found out about my affair (yes, i gave in to the temptation with the soccer player and while it was fantastic, it's over now) and it's been a devestating time, we almost got divorced, but we're working through it.
i knew telling friends and this board wasn't going to help me fight his romantic advances, but i tried.
it was a one time thing that would have continued, but i wasn't too careful about the clues (guilty conscience i think).
Can't help but take note of what the ol' guitar player with the very pretty wife said here:
Open marriages eh?
Go on, give it a try!
The marriage WILL end, without any doubt. You see, people who have an open marriage are really hankering back to their free days of singleness. It's hard for some people to say "Wow, Is this the only person that I am ever going to have sex with again?"
You do get couples who have an affection for each other who sometimes agree to play around anyway. It happens, but your marriage is doomed the minute you have sex with someone else because you are not prepared to pay the price of a happy marriage which is to forsake all others.
Sorry, I don't mean to be a kill-joy, but if you can't resist shagging someone else, then you ain't gonna spend the rest of your life together!
Sorry ladies but you have totally blown it. These husbands WILL move on and leave you, that I promise, you mark my words and remember please that I told you.
Pre emptive strike!
by GeddyLee inwhat a great feeling!!
with the witch hunts from the crotchtower coming early next year there was no way i was going to let those toilet scrubbing, window washing, gas pumping, cheese and cracker men ,have the satisfaction of trying to hunt me down, and than tossing me out on their terms.
the letter telling them i want no part of their mind numbing cult , is in the mail as of last night around 2am.
Geddy, do you play bass?
What Drives You Crazy???
by minimus inwhat gets to me is when i hear a story that gets embellished .
it's worse when someone relates the story and i was the original teller of it....what about you?
What really drives me crazy is when Minimus says that other people are liars. Well, actually he said that we have fat bellys. What was really interesting to learn though was that he used to (and maybe still does) work at a bank. In fact, he must have worked there for a long time because he said he was the original teller. The pertinent point here is that as a long employed bank teller Minimus has obviously handled millions of dollars. Millions of dollars which could have been put to good use feeding countless hordes of starving third world citizens. The fact that Minimus never thought to utilize this money for such a cause is proof in itself that he not only hates charitable actions but undoubtedly hates any would-be recipients of said charitable actions. How a bigoted, chauvinistic, person like that can continue to dance and whistle with a clean conscience is beyond me, but hey, the facts speak for themselves. Dancing and whistling is of course not objectionable in itself, however when the whistling is nothing less than shameless flirting with women of questionable heritage, well then....... By the way, if you don't think any of this is true, I'm just repeating what Minimus said in his original post on this thread!
Christmas Cake
by Surreptitious inchristmas cake .
ingredients: .
sample the cuervo to check quality.
Riz, are you think as I drunk you are?
LyinEyes,BUSTED,,, B/D present.....Pic
by WildTurkey inbut three guys, lyineyes...........?
and in just two hours?????
edited by - wildturkey on 21 december 2002 11:42:22.
Heaven, those two dancers of yours look like a couple of elders I used to serve with! Seriously!
Caption Comp
by qwerty ini found this on another jw board..............what's been said?
i thought "oh pooh, i am gunna have to clean mi boots again!
qwertyedited by - qwerty on 19 december 2002 4:54:49.
Edited by - surreptitious on 19 December 2002 11:50:58