I don't know, but my parents are still true believers who recently tried to die for the blood ban.
They don't do things perfectly; they talk to their disfellowshipped kids, but they do believe it all.
l think the real figure would be a real nail in the coffin for jw believers.lf the elders knew what l knew they would have a field day.many many jdubs live a double life.lovey dovey at the hall and totally different people at home and work.my guess is many dubs are schizophrenic and in need of help.with all the brain washing lm not surprised.what have others observed.
I don't know, but my parents are still true believers who recently tried to die for the blood ban.
They don't do things perfectly; they talk to their disfellowshipped kids, but they do believe it all.
my parents insisted that i'd take them to the memorial.
my cousin said he'd come too and another brother who doesn't have a car begged to join.
i was dreading having to go through exactly the same thing again.
What is it with grown adult JWs and temper tantrums?
My mother threw a blue fit one time because my father let us kids stay home from hall cleaning. It turned into a really big and ugly fight.
The truth was that we were home secretly packing the family's suitcases because my dad was surprising my mom with a weekend getaway for us all.
We did get a begrudging apology later, but it was so much unnecessary drama in the first place.
i saw a 'news' article today about pizza hut (i think) delivering pizzas via a robotic vehicle in nz.
also another article headline saying it is not a question of if, but when.
my immediate thought was, why?
I don't understand how self-driving cars for pizza delivery would make economic sense for the business owners. They would have to take on the financial burden of purchasing the vehicle.
As it is, they hire drivers for minimum wage who are supplemented by tips and who provide their own vehicle, and thus wear and tear, fuel and insurance.
Unless the business model is different elsewhere.
someone asked for a second source on this, so i'm putting this out there to those who may have visited the new wt hq lately and know it to be true.
i had read from others on the ex-jw subreddit that had taken a tour recently at wt hq, that they had been shown photos of a mountain in china, and told that this is where all of the granite is being mined from and shipped over to new york to use at the site of the new wt hq.
apparently, it was cheaper for them to do this and have the local brothers in china mine it, then having to by tons upon tons of granite here in the usa, even wholesale.
I heard that they were digging foundations at Warwick and dug a little too deep. After digging through some granite, they suddenly saw daylight, and realized they were in China.
After considering the exchange rate, they decided to buy the granite from China, but they drove a hard bargain, considering they had dug it out themselves.
The Chinese have now accepted the Watchtower with open arms.
this evening at the clam the job video was played and then the stupid peer pressure video.
this was not so odd.
however on the last elijah section pictures from the imitate their faith book was place on screen to imagine the scenes.
Follow the bouncing ball.
Anybody remember that in the '70s? It must've been a kid show.
The ball bounced on top of the words as you were supposed to sing them.
Maybe they could use this method to keep everyone singing together.
Surely the kids would love it.
english is a great language, especially when it comes to collective nouns.
a "murder" of crows is just fantastic as is a "mob" of meerkats.
a "colony" of ants, a "pride" of lions.
A crack of COBEs
english is a great language, especially when it comes to collective nouns.
a "murder" of crows is just fantastic as is a "mob" of meerkats.
a "colony" of ants, a "pride" of lions.
A slither of circuit overseers
An echo of old light
A snooze of assemblies
A muddle of ministerial servants
A flail of return visits
since the memorial is coming up soon and its about time for me to go shopping for a new memorial ( aka easter) dress, i've realized what the memorial really is for us teenage girls, a beauty pageant!
the memorial is the day i spend painting my nails, curling my hair, and carefully applying makeup because my mother says i have to "represent jehovah" and look my best.
in reality its just to impress the newcomers and to compete with the other girls.
SIAR2, wow just checked our pioneercloset. It's on Instagram and it's heavy on polka dots and florals, all in an ugly midcalf length.
My skirts were always mid-knee or above back in the 1980s and if I remember correctly, knee-length was acceptable then. Mine were only slightly short, but this halfway to the floor stuff is just ugly!
Witness fashion has definitely gone downhill.
since the memorial is coming up soon and its about time for me to go shopping for a new memorial ( aka easter) dress, i've realized what the memorial really is for us teenage girls, a beauty pageant!
the memorial is the day i spend painting my nails, curling my hair, and carefully applying makeup because my mother says i have to "represent jehovah" and look my best.
in reality its just to impress the newcomers and to compete with the other girls.
Jookbeard, I say go for it.
Also think the teapot could work as a literature briefcase, I mean they're only tracts anymore...
as a born-in jw, i never considered myself to be a fundamentalist.
i always thought we were enlightened, progressive and not 'stuck in darkness' like all the other religions.. i was totally wrong.. as far as fundamentalists go, jw's are probably right up there amongst the front-runners.
no, they do not stone people to death or go on religion-fuelled violent rampages but that's not what i'm talking about.
Good post. It took me awhile after I left to realize that JWs actually are fundamentalists.
They also deny having a political opinion, but I think they actually do because I have heard everything but "I endorse candidate XYZ."
Amazing powers of self-delusion.