For those banking on the rarity of an accident causing you to be sent unconscious to an emergency room, this just recently happened to my parents.
It's a foolish bet.
i booked a double appointment so that she wouldn't be rushed.
i explained that i'd been brought up in the jw's and woken up to what a load of shite it was.
i explained that they have changed the blood card and that the elders in the cong are being told to effectively force people into signing it.
For those banking on the rarity of an accident causing you to be sent unconscious to an emergency room, this just recently happened to my parents.
It's a foolish bet.
i am so bad at being worldly, it's not like i gave it a good try, we are just not good at it my husband and i, i see him light up as he has started to read the bible again.
i'm good at being a witness, i am accepted, and hold the same beliefs, i have tried to find somewhere else, if there is a place, why hav'n't jehovah and the angels directed me to it?
thank you for all the loving posts, some of them have been just what i needed.
Keep in mind that not all "worldly" families are healthy.
Lots of people are vulnerable to cults because of their dysfunctional family lives.
Not being able to become close to your family again proves nothing in regards to "the truth" being a better place to go back to.
Are you sure you're not an 18-year old kid who lives in Canada and also near Disney who is a professional actor as well as a voice-artist and whose "son" is an atheistic, ex-Bethelite physicist who also is "starting to understand why you loved the JWs so much?"
Or is it the "Borderline Syndrome" after all?
cognitive dissonance is the feeling of uncomfortable tension which comes from holding two conflicting thoughts in the mind at the same time.
this is what is wrong with me, i have a love hate relationship with the jw's.
Just because you want to believe the angels are directing your life doesn't make it true.
We all die. It is the single most absolutely true thing that we can bank on.
No one particularly likes the thought, but it doesn't make it any less true.
Facing your mortality is a difficult but necessary task for those leaving cults that promise living forever.
Have you done that, yet?
If not, it would explain a lot of your confusion and longing.
i was always under the impression that only "licensed" persons had the authority to do this.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2016-4-4-boe scanning and sending medical records through emails!.
.. this is the last paragraph of the main body of the boe without the top and bottom, which revealed the congregation and information which could expose our source.. .. "therefore, brothers, i appeal to you to make sure that a copy of the new add for every publisher is kept in alphabetical order, perhaps using an a-z filing system to expedite it's location and so that it can be kept neat, clean and legible for scanning and emailing for up to 4 years, after which a new copy should be completed.
Well, Newly Enlightened, I really wish someone who knows could tell us. Without giving the actual identities away, it would be helpful to know, for example, that it was from a branch member to a circuit overseer (or whatever the case may be).
As it stands, spelling and grammar issues make it look a little dodgy. When you have a completely anonymous letter divorced from place and context, those errors really stand out.
This doesn't mean anyone's doubting Atlantis. It could, however, mean that Atlantis has been passed some bad information.
i was always under the impression that only "licensed" persons had the authority to do this.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2016-4-4-boe scanning and sending medical records through emails!.
.. this is the last paragraph of the main body of the boe without the top and bottom, which revealed the congregation and information which could expose our source.. .. "therefore, brothers, i appeal to you to make sure that a copy of the new add for every publisher is kept in alphabetical order, perhaps using an a-z filing system to expedite it's location and so that it can be kept neat, clean and legible for scanning and emailing for up to 4 years, after which a new copy should be completed.
There is a misspelling, also:
"to expedite it's location"
That should be its without an apostrophe as a possessive pronoun.
Watchtower is usually good on its spelling and grammar.
Edit: User99 beat me to this. I should have read more carefully.
yesterday my wife and i enjoyed one of our regular days out at edinburgh - movie, lunch, walk, meal etc.. in the late afternoon while mrs cofty went shopping i had an hour at the excellent museum of scotland and arranged to meet up outside the national gallery on princes street.
on my way back i saw the jw trolley was at the usual spot on the royal mile.
there was an older man and a young woman standing well back trying hard to look inconspicuous.
"Actually, many top scientists are women." That is just too perfect. LMFAO
Well done.
after 15 years, i thought my mom finally accepted that i am never coming back to the kingdom hall for any reason.
well ... i guess not.. this weekend, my nieces are staying with her because my jw sister (who is not speaking to me) is out of town.
she invited me to go to lunch on sunday.
"Yeah, I know that's how it works there, and that's sad."
Perfect response. And, oh so true. It really is sad.
"Unprecedented move?"
Weren't they banned in Russia for years?
following on from another op who brought to our attention the new draconian blood card policy .i'm planning on visiting my dr to discuss this issue in advance.
i'm planning on telling her how jw's and possibly me will be blackmailed into signing this but really won't want the hlc involved and may want blood if needed.. i'm thinking about writing a letter that could be kept on file for future reference outling these issues, what do you think i should say in it?
ideas gratefully received thanks x.
Don't sign it!
Put them off, tell them whatever you need to, but don't sign anything that has innacurate information about your medical wishes.
If you are in an emergency and unconscious, they will take you to the nearest emergency room. Your doctor may not be there.
At that point, they would be legally obliged to follow your written wishes as represented in your Durable Power of Attorney.
Please find a way to tell them that you are not going to involve them in your medical advance directives.
You really could be signing a death wish!
i like how it looks in other people but not for myself.. this is a phrase i have heard often from my wife.
now i am to a point where i am trying to figure it out if this is something all women do or say.
i can understand how you would say this if you were talking about a type of clothing that doesn't go with your figure, except that you may add the disclaimer... "if i had that figure i would wear this".
This is very easy.
Women are not used to men wanting to know how they really feel.
If you want to know, ask her specifically. She'll likely oblige.