I grew up just a few miles south of the Mason Dixon line. The KKK had a local chapter and came to town to hand out literature at the single red light. This was in the late '80s. I had no air conditioning in my little Toyota, so to avoid having KKK literature shoved in my window, I rolled them all up. Boy it got really hot in the car at that redlight. It seemed like it would never change!
Then, the JWs came to town preaching their heathen message and selling literature, and the town council finally had had enough. A no soliciting law was put on the books which included the distribution of literature.
The local JWs responded by inviting black brothers and sisters up from Baltimore to go door to door with nothing but a Bible and a verbal invitation to the Kingdom Hall. This of course did not sit well with the local members of the KKK who opposed groups of black folks knocking on all the doors in town.
It was quite a mess with the local elders even attending the town council meetings. They aggravated the situation unnecessarily, in my opinion.
What a small-minded small town. I left as soon as I could and moved to Baltimore. Yeah, they hated city slickers, too. They pretty much hated everybody.