I used to love watching In Living Color in the late '80s. I can still remember one comedy sketch where one of the Wayans brothers talked about living in a box. Those boys were so funny.
I wonder whatever happened to them.
ktla 5 news this morning.
m. wayans a crazy guy said his father after having 10 kids.
that's when he said that's why his father became a jw.
I used to love watching In Living Color in the late '80s. I can still remember one comedy sketch where one of the Wayans brothers talked about living in a box. Those boys were so funny.
I wonder whatever happened to them.
the mystery of the locked cabinet.
when i was about 10 years old, there was a tall, white handmade cabinet back in one of our storage sheds (a converted chicken house from back in the 30's, when my grandparents raised chickens in the great depression).
affixed to its door, there was a big padlock on the cabinet.
I grew up just a few miles south of the Mason Dixon line. The KKK had a local chapter and came to town to hand out literature at the single red light. This was in the late '80s. I had no air conditioning in my little Toyota, so to avoid having KKK literature shoved in my window, I rolled them all up. Boy it got really hot in the car at that redlight. It seemed like it would never change!
Then, the JWs came to town preaching their heathen message and selling literature, and the town council finally had had enough. A no soliciting law was put on the books which included the distribution of literature.
The local JWs responded by inviting black brothers and sisters up from Baltimore to go door to door with nothing but a Bible and a verbal invitation to the Kingdom Hall. This of course did not sit well with the local members of the KKK who opposed groups of black folks knocking on all the doors in town.
It was quite a mess with the local elders even attending the town council meetings. They aggravated the situation unnecessarily, in my opinion.
What a small-minded small town. I left as soon as I could and moved to Baltimore. Yeah, they hated city slickers, too. They pretty much hated everybody.
this site is such a great and valuable resource and simon is to be commended for running it for so long.
when i first came i was in such a bad state and really needed support and friendship.
so many posters commented on my threads and showed genuine care some are real life friends, some are facebook friends, some i talk to on the phone and some are forum friends.. i have just realised though that everyone online is not your friend.
To be fair, though sometimes communicating electronically seems "less than" face to face communication, there are many people who struggle with social anxiety or feel that their thoughts are best represented asynchronously who are actually better represented as a person on forums than in real life.
When you are an introvert and much of your self is in your head, forums are a real benefit in communicating authentically. Especially across age groups. When you read posts, you are not burdened by snap judgements, including those regarding age. Embarrassingly, I have to say that most of my IRL friends are near my age, and I appreciate the intellectual banter on here that happens across age groups with people I probably wouldn't have much interaction in real life, to my detriment.
Just a little love for forums...
my son sent me a wonderful song a month ago on this thread.
it's amazing how a bad experience can trigger action.
I am so happy for you both. What a cutie!
Reasonableness and unconditional love always win in the end.
stash: /intesoft-inc.appspot.com/post/867be77a3c2f41bd8d3b930cbfb629c0.html
three major characters in jw movies named ethan in 2012, 2014 & now 2016.. coincidence, lack of imagination, or something more?.
It's a popular name right now for teenage boys, at least around here.
When I substitute in middle school, every other kid is named Ethan, and the other half is Connor.
well i have not been on this site for ages - so long that i had forgotten my username etc and have had to start again!.
anyway briefly - bought up in 'the truth', baptised at 18, married at 21, had kids, got divorced, remarried, disfellowshipped 15 years ago.. parents and brother shun me.. early last year father very ill, calls me.
i arrange to visit him in hospital.
There have been a few experiences here about parents with dementia forgetting all about the JWs and having good relationships with their formerly shunned children.
You just need to wait until the dementia gets worse and then just avoid your brother. You might end up enjoying the lasts few months' or years' of your mum's life once she forgets all about the JWs and her daily life is only as large as the care home.
how did such a weighty decision get put directly in the hands on the average citizen?
and with only a simple majority required?
in the usa the biggest thing that people vote on directly is city building projects or infrastructure.
The best thing about democracy is that everybody gets a vote.
The worst thing about democracy is that everybody gets a vote.
i just frightened a jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits!.
i just frightened a sweet jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits.... .
she took off like a sprinter at the sound of a starter pistol!.
besides being a waste of time for those doing it, and being an easy way for the society to inflate its reports of time spent in the ministry, cart witnessing is also taking up space.
i live in a hot city in brazil.
today, the jws decided to set up their cart in the shady spot of the bus stop, where people going to work have to wait for the bus.. ugh!.