How did you ever make the crucial decision to not get baptized?
That's definitely the key to not being shunned, but weren't you pressured?
Glad things are working out well!
so i've been offline for a while wanting to lay low.
but i'm doing very well outside the jw sect.
lots of changes i've done in my personal life, from economical, social, maturity growth.
How did you ever make the crucial decision to not get baptized?
That's definitely the key to not being shunned, but weren't you pressured?
Glad things are working out well!
this video was somewhat revelatory to me.
i knew that fox was a coordinated news outlet but i had no idea it was so rigid.
that's the iron fist of the corporate agenda.
Zach de la Rocha was a liberal before being a liberal was cool.
His stuff is 30 years old and is dead on current.
Killing in the Name--
"You justify those that die by wearing a badge. They're the chosen whites."
"Some of those that work Forces are the same that burn crosses."
He was BLM before it was even a thing.
raised as a jo blow and married into it.
37 years in it and now last 7 years out of it which feels great.. have memories of being a kid in school in the uk and just hating everything about being the jw kid.
bullied, embarrassed in front of others and self-esteem went into the toilet.wished i was born into a different family.. what angers me is the messaging i would receive at home when i talked about being bullied.
It sounds like you are still feeling Grief, grief over a lost childhood, grief over an unsatisfying parental relationship, grief over a late start in life.
The premier academic studying Grief was Elisabeth Kubler-Ross who proposed Five Stages of Grief. These were: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance.
Her original theorizing posited a linear movement through these stages until Acceptance was finally reached.
Now it is thought that we can move through the stages in different orders or even cycle from Acceptance into previous stages and back again multiple times.
Maybe you can see yourself in one or more of these stages. Sometimes it helps just to put a name to something.
All this to say that you can feel okay about it one day and then go back to feeling unsettled. And that's actually quite normal. It's a process not an endpoint.
it's been six months since the kingdom halls have been closed.
i believe here in ontario, canada that you are now allowed to have up to 50 people congregate together.. that was the average attendance before they did all the merging of the congregations.
they should have went back to the original pre-merger congregations.
My mother can't stand it. She is just jonesing for her twice weekly fix and even more often if you count field service.
She just cannot wait until the all clear is given to go back to the JW hive.
it's been six months since the kingdom halls have been closed.
i believe here in ontario, canada that you are now allowed to have up to 50 people congregate together.. that was the average attendance before they did all the merging of the congregations.
they should have went back to the original pre-merger congregations.
Doc, I know that online donations have been encouraged to be automated according to my family.
I guess it would take a little more effort to call the bank and de-automate a payment than to just not send one in.
most of the individuals here from what i have read have gravitated to believing in evolution for various reasons and no longer have a belief in a creator.. the questions begs though, is there a higher conscious in the universe than mankind's.
i am sure everyone agrees that animals are conscious, but to what extent can they reason?.
here is the link to dr. rupert sheldrake's - is the sun conscious..
"And your definition of morality is your own not God's." - Anna Marina
That is some kind of tautology right there.
tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11/2001.
i hope we never forget what happened that fateful day and learn from what happened.❤️.
Last year's high school graduates were the first for whom 9/11 did not happen in their lifetime.
Teaching this event will be forever different.
i live a few hours away from portland, oregon.
i have many friends who live in or near portland.
i've spent a lot of time in portland.
I don't live in Portland, but I am from Baltimore which experienced riots and unrest after the Freddy Gray incident.
What I can say is that there were quite a few blocks that were in chaos including looting and burning of buildings. It was not nice.
However, cities are large and unrest in one neighborhood still leaves the large majority of the city unaffected including all the suburbs that still comprise the metro area.
Again I've never been to Portland, but if it is a large city, a hundred protesters in a city of a million can leave the rest of the city mostly unaffected.
...slaps his thigh before looking up and collapsing with gum, what am i doing in this place again lol?just got it into me 'ead to see if i could see one or two of the old names i used to banter with years ago in here.
sadly, no doubt a few must have kicked the bucket by now and popped their clogs.
hopefully though a few of you are still kickin'
What a cute pup. They know when you've rescued them and love you for it.
Don't have an outboard ( well I do, but it doesn't run ) but I've got a Yamaha jet boat. Fun, but hard to maneuver at low speeds. Docking in a current is hard.
Would like to move toward the pontoon boat department. Low and slow.
Nice to meet you.
i realize some here are diehard democrats.
whether you are democrat, republican or independent, do you support any of these looters that cause mayhem and destruction for their cause?
i have heard some people sympathize with these law breakers saying they understand why they do what they do and leave it at that.. of course i wonder how they would feel if their own property was burnt or stolen or destroyed..
Thumbs up for Old Bay seasoning.
Seriously, did you really expect people to support looters?
They're criminals and should be prosecuted.
Protesting is all good and fine, but a large group of people can turn into a mob. If you want to protest, I recommend the first 10 or 15 minutes and then get the hell out of there.
Also, I know from experience in Baltimore a few years ago that large protests can attract bad faith actors from other places. These people undermine the protests and greatly irritate good faith actors.
Also, as I've said before, there is no "the Media" anymore. Walter Cronkite is dead. There are multi channels and it is up to the reader to do the research. It's exhausting but such are the wonders of the information economy.