I don't know if I, or smoeone else, shared this before but I thought it funny and odd enough to share again. Imagine if you will, if we actually presented what we all know to be true about the beliefs of the JW's at the door when we were witnesses. After all, Jesus message was to be simple; simple enough that even the poorest and most uneducated would be able to accept Him and convert to Christianity, no matter the flavor of Kool-Aid we were pushing. But yet we all know that that is not possible. After all, the entire reason for a private "Study Edition" of the WatchTower magazine is because the JW doctrines are "so deep".
Imagine, if you will.........
Greetings, I'm a member of the great crowd of other sheep rendering sacred service to the Ancient of Days in the earthly courtyard of the spiritual temple by following the example of the fine shepherd and engaging as a regular pioneer in preaching the good news of the kingdom with the sword of the spirit.
We are helping to warn those not familiar with the Divine Name that the second presence of the Chief Agent of Life has begun, and soon the last days will reach their culmination when the scarlet-colored wild beast will turn on the harlot and destroy Babylon the Great, beginning the great tribulation which is climaxed by Armageddon and the ruler of the world, now in Tartarus, being thrown into the abyss for the rest of the last Adam's millennial reign.
However, antitypical apostate Jerusalem with her man of lawlessness class is supporting the false prophet and fighting against the anointed remnant of spiritual Israel, the ambassadors of heavenly Jerusalem, and their envoys, who are keeping themselves without spot from the world and who would rather go to Sheol or Hades than Gehenna by rejecting the theocracy proclaimed by the Faithful & Discreet Slave and the Governing Body of the spiritual paradise on earth today.
So, if you don't want to take these magazines, here's a program schedule for the Kingdom Hall, where you can come and learn more about New Jerusalem, new heavens, new earth, new commandment, new birth, new song, new creation, new personality, and the new covenant which we can only benefit from by being associated with the 144,000 anointed Governing Body.
Thank you for your time...which is not to be confused with a time and times and half a time.