1) How many of the GB's (and other higher-ups in the org) children, grandchildren, great-children went to college, which universities they attended, and what were their majors and other studies?
2) How many of the GBs and/or their children and grandchildren ( some are old enough to have grown grandchildren, I'm sure ) are major stockholders or serve
on the board of directors for corporations that have some association with the JWs.
3) How many of the GBs and/or members of their families own companies that service the needs of the Watchtower Society?
4) Family names other than last names of GB members....sisters, brothers-in-law, wife's maiden name, etc.
5) Properties, both domestic and foreign, owned by GB's close family members.
I'm sure very little of the GB have children. I think they are married but that's as far as their marriage went. All are hard-core career JWs.
As far as personal or financial questions, I think you'll have to be in Bethel, personally know them, and have dealings with them to know that kind of stuff either as inimate conversation or part of their written background which I'm sure is in files somewhere in the bowels of the organization. Incidentally, this is why I find those that have left the WTS who were in key positions in administration or leadership in any of the WTS corporations have the most interesting information to share.