JoinedPosts by archangel01
1932 / 1935 and The Great Multitude,Dying Off Too?
by Blueblades inanother watch tower teaching that could shorty cause the society a serious problem is the great multitude of 1932 / 1935.if the great tribulation fails to occur reasonably soon,this too could bring about a major change, i.e generation teaching,while the two teachings may appear to be linked,the dates are almost twenty years apart in application,i.e.
1914 --1932 / 35.. the great multitude of 1932 / 35 who stood up to be identified are well into their late 70's ,early 80's at this time,2003.just as the long standing "this generation" has been reinterpreted,perhaps a new doctrinal reinterpretation of the great multitude will be made, adversely affecting untold numbers of potential ones who will come out of "the great tribulation"as "the great mutitude "of survivors.. i know that the society is trying to put off these teachings,"this generation,"the great tribulation" "the great multitude" and "armageddon" into the indefinite future,however life goes on,people grow old and die.so, how long can they keep this up.. my guess is that the winds of internal turmoil will get stronger,the near future will be telling as members of the great multitude die off.as they see another hoped for fulfillment die off along with them.
blueblades,who has felt the effects of these things too.what are your thoughts?.
I need help finding a tread
by archangel01 insomeone had the wtc cd and found a coverup of the generation of 1914 with by no means pass away .
the orig.
Deut 18:22
It's Death to Them
They only have to tell ONE lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need help finding a tread
by archangel01 insomeone had the wtc cd and found a coverup of the generation of 1914 with by no means pass away .
the orig.
I have The prove I found it
the orig.
Bound volume
Save them as a picture and then print from there. I'm going to expose this one ALL OVER Chicago! I think I should make about hundred copies of each you think
I need help finding a tread
by archangel01 insomeone had the wtc cd and found a coverup of the generation of 1914 with by no means pass away .
the orig.
That's it your alife saver Amen Bro
here have a slice of on me LOL
Thanks dude!
I need help finding a tread
by archangel01 insomeone had the wtc cd and found a coverup of the generation of 1914 with by no means pass away .
the orig.
I really need that tread asap anyone please HELP.
I need help finding a tread
by archangel01 insomeone had the wtc cd and found a coverup of the generation of 1914 with by no means pass away .
the orig.
someone had the wtc cd and found a coverup of the generation of 1914 with by no means pass away
the orig. mag. said one thing but when they put it on there cd they changed it. The person had two photos of the same article one from the cd the other was from the orig mag. Does anyone have the tread. Please help me I think it was like 3 months ago.
Request for Blondie
by JWnomore in.
is it possible for you to review the first article of the wt magazine entitled "one true church" in your next watchtower study post?
I'm a Blooded Washed Born-Again Christain
The Body of Christ is maded up of all born-again believers. There are MANY Denomination's in the Body of Christ, there are little different's here an there but the key is they ALL have the REAL JESUS of scripture.Which is Almighty God in the Flesh.Also that salvation is by Grace alone.
The Cult Groups like the JW's, Mormons, SDA, etc are NOT part of the Body of Christ Because they have the Wrong Jesus!.
I hope this helps
by Blueblades inhey watchtower!
it's coming up to 90 years since 1914 and the visible,oops,invisible presence of christ's kingdom??
?it's coming up to 80 years since 1925 and millions now living will never die??
LUKE 21:8
Friends let's listen to Jesus, forget that leaky watchtower ark , it ain't sailing on any troubled sea's it's going to be gone an everyone who put's there trust in it! read ZEP. Cha 1 vs 2-3, 14 then read 2Peter cha 3 "The day of the Lord' notice it's the same day!
JOHN 14:6 Jesus said " I AM THE WAY< >THE TRUTH<>AN THE LIFE<>>>> I rest my case
also remember TIME is the worried enemy to a false P's like the WTS
Answer to E-watchman re: Is questioning reporting time just nit-picking?
by truthseeker inhere is e-watchman's latest reply to a witness who is questoning why time has to be reported when it is not in the bible.
my reply is at the end of e-watchman's reply.
1. the wts claims it uses the bible as its "supreme authority".
Leave that false Org., because in the end it's going to be gone an all who put there trust in it will be too. Read Zep.cha1 vs 2-3 Judgement on the earth ,sky, sea also see 2 peter cha 3. Go to Jesus John 14:6 He is the WAY, the Truth, an the Life....!
Can Material Things Transfer Grace?
by ignorance is strength indo you believe that sacraments such as baptism, conformation, the eucharist, or perhaps people can transfer grace to a person?
personally, i think yes because of acts 19, 11-12: 11god did extraordinary miracles through paul, 12so that when the handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were brought to the sick, their diseases left them, and the evil spirits came out of them.
It's like this bro you have to have faith, that was the key for the miracles to work, Jesus left a town because the people had a lack of faith, can't remember off hand which book of the bible it's in but it's in there, look it up. Everyone has to work OUT there own salvation, once your Saved by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior with faith an trust then the Good works follow or will come about on there own accord, Like Baptism an so forth. Just do more personal pray and bible reading an find a friend to talk too. It's not easy but it's not that hard either, Just do it! Peace be with you, hope this helps!
In Christ Michael Terran