God knew satan was up to something and well knew what he was going to raise up.But god in his own way gave that angel a chance to stay good an not turn away. In other words give him the chose to do good or bad or offer a better way from Gods view point, but how.........God gave that angel a name (lucifer) which means shinning star, a higher position, and had him rule over the earth and make sure adam & eve were safe/to watch over them etc.God wants all his creations to be super happy, just like when adam wanted a mate god gave him a woman from his own body and he was happy! So God showed love in the form of gifts from the heart.So God gave lucifer the means ness. to either bring honor to God by doing as so and to stay good or abuse his new power an position to go against God. Well we all know what went down sad to say. That's why it's not God's fault , that angel at any time could have went to God about how he was feeling however the Bible doesn't say he did but God given him those gifts of power/position and the gift of more beauty and a name, means and let's us know God read his mind and knew what gifts would be just an would make him happy an whole. So there was No reason to go against God because God is GOOD and cannot be tried with evil things! So when lucifer made himself into the devil it was his OWN fault and no one was to bame but himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's my two cent on this topic
JoinedPosts by archangel01
Resurection of "Can any believer answer this?"
by Chap inhi all.. there was an interesting thread a while back that i have a few things to add to.
i am new so i didn't know if anyone would see a post i would put there since the thread happened a few months ago.
it is going to take a while to put all my thoughts on the subject.
Masonic Symbols On The Cover Of The Draw Close To Jehovah Book
by ColdRedRain in.
i don't know if anybody has noticed yet, but today, i folded in the cover of the "draw close to jehovah" book and i noticed the bible turns into a pyramid, the clouds turn into a masonic "s" on top of that pyramid and "jehovah" becomes "jah".. freaky....
I did the trick and it's true
Holy S###########
I'm very scare because that is no mistake that's for sure. It has to be a code, Q is for who?????Of course it's not for it's members, so is that Jesus way of letting us know the truth.That WTS is working for the devil (an angel of light). What does this mean. Also I saw the S on davids hand. This is deep and I'm glad I'm out of that cult!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should I let my kids visit my JW parents?
by NAPPY ROOTS ini have a dilema.
my parents are still active jw.
last year they told me they had to limit their association with me.
You'll be sorry if you do
The parents will push that cult on them trust me I know! Also That sounds so bad, they don't really care for you or what they think is going to happen to you but we will help save the kids so please let us see them.That's what it sound like to me.You know if you let them sleep over they will take them to the meetings and tell them not to tell you(Right there alone they are teaching your kids to lie to YOU). Trust me I Know! Put your foot down and said NO.They will mess up their minds. YOU should be teaching them the bible/morals the right way from JESUS/GOD and tell them not to be misleaded. If your parents won't treat you right (from what JESUS taught in the Bible) then they lose out on seeing there grandkids, plain and simple. You have to look out for the welfare of your kids and whats best for them.
My Investigation Begins..........
by sandy inwell everyone thanks to many of your comments and urgings i started my investigation to find the "truth" about the wtbts.
today, i wrote two letters to the united nations and i finally ordered crisis of conscience.
if any of you have any more suggestions or comments please reply.. .
Raymond Franz has another book out as well it's called "IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM"
By the way good work
Isaiah Book Volume Two, Page 260: Scary?
by Room 215 inonce again, my wife left some of her wt literature within easy reach of yours truly, ostensibly in the hope that i'll pick it up and reappraise.
it's bookmarked with the current week's study material; anf frankly, if anything can reinforce my inclination to stay away, it's this drivel.
does it not dawn on any of these that all this hallucinogenic blather about 1918, 1919, 1922, etc.
Now they are called JEHOVAH'S WATCHMAN CLASS oh nooooooo NEWLIGHT
Funny JESUS said for EVERYONE to be on the watch not a group of false Ph's. After you read RAYMOND FRANZ'S BOOKS you know that the WTS can do no more harm to you and to your future children that may come along AMEN.
Got this letter
by Yesterdays Child inthroughout the years after having come to know through your marriage to my daughter you have been a very kind and thoughtful person, sometimes more than my own son.
i don't think that a mother-in-law could want a finer person for a son than you.
however, it is very unfortunate that i will have to change the way that i will relate to you now and in the future.
Perfect love has NO Fear tell her to read the book of JOHN. Also by WTS LAW NOT GODS she can't say anything to you not even write you a letter.Maybe you should just act normal and if she ask tell her "What Letter, I never got no letter" and show her the script about shunning from another Bible and compair it to the NWT and you will find the meanings are different. Different how......Meaning when you turn your back on JESUS/GOD not the WTS, also the real bible use the word "REJOICE" meaning if you find someone that doesn't want to believe in Jesus of course your not happy but you just don't talk about bible stuff, doesn't mean you can't talk to the person, I mean how are you to win them back!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read the book by raymond franz "IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM" it's a BIG WHITE BOOK and There is a CHA. on how the Bible said otherwise about shunning and how the WTS distorts the teachings of JESUS and how they CHANGED the bibles greek scripts(NWT) to fit their believes. In GOD's eyes thats a NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Inquiring Minds Want to Know"
by sandy inone chapter details how the governing body decided that certain conduct between husband and wife in bed would be grounds for divorce and disfellowshipping (formal excommunication and shunning).
after the edict was issued (the watchtower december 1, 1972, pages 734-736) numerous marriages broke up as a result.
then, seven years later, the governing body changed its mind and reversed the policy.
Also Oral sex is OK an Normal between husband & wife etc I don't know what the watchtower is talking about linking it to Homo.. I think that is offensive to us str8 people BIG TIME. Gay people KISS, HOLDHANDS, RAISE KIDS,BUY FOOD,SHOP,ETC.If we use the WTS logic then we can do neither of those things to your mate like kissing etc., I say " GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Inquiring Minds Want to Know"
by sandy inone chapter details how the governing body decided that certain conduct between husband and wife in bed would be grounds for divorce and disfellowshipping (formal excommunication and shunning).
after the edict was issued (the watchtower december 1, 1972, pages 734-736) numerous marriages broke up as a result.
then, seven years later, the governing body changed its mind and reversed the policy.
That can be found in Raymond Franz book CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE. As far as web sites go there was one,I can't of it off hand but if you use your search and type in Jehovah on oral sex or something like that you will find all the web sites.Anyway I believe oral sex/Using your mouth/ tongue and using the hands is ok in loveplay between Husband and Wife. Anal sex is sick because that orifice is not sterile why do you think God made Pu**y.To do ALL the things you can't do with the back hole.Don't get me wrong I'll grab and squeeze the butt etc and kiss the cheek part only but that's as far as that goes.What pisses me off is that the WTS puts oral sex and anal sex in the same class together and I think that is wrong and The WTS Thinks were sick. Your mouth was made not just for food & drink but also to give pleasure and your hands as well. Also the Police make laws not for Husband & Wife but to arrested Prostitutes and Pimps because you can't charge someone or take them to jail if there is no law...... get it! Just do the search and you will find everything. I think in the later 70's the WTS changed its views(NewLight) said it was a no no Only OUTSIDE of marriage but OK IN MARRIAGE.
The WTS messed up ALOT of marriages and They have to answer for that BIG TIME and other things as well.Hey thats what you get for listening to False P's. and not following God/Jesus!!!!!!!!!!
governing body or rock stars
by Azalo inisnt it funny how when it was rumored that a gb member might make an apperance at the assembly people would gasp and get all a flutter because they might get a glimpse of them or actually get to hear them.
women would wear their fanciest dressess, the men would get a haircut and practice their line should they get a chance to speak to him.
children would stare from a distance and giggle... what a joke!
Yeah That is so true!! You tell me where does it say in the bible that ONLY a 144,000 born before 1930 something goes to Heaven and everyone else is out of luck! I would think God/Jesus would have put that in there if that was so. Just venting.....The GB is a lie and I think they are part of the ANTI-CHRIST for a world they are no part of they ALL make sure they have Millions in the bank,oh yeah they really are suffer......Something is very fishy here don't you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet the WTS is really POed NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That's one for the GOOD GUY"S