JoinedPosts by Crazyguy
Can Today's JW Logically Explain Their Beliefs?
by minimus inwhen i was a jw, i relished explaining my beliefs and why we had the truth!
todays witness has no clue , in my opinion..
2017 Annual Meeting
by Jules Saturn inthis just in from the 2017 annual meeting:.
1. watchtowers and awakes won't be released regularly, at least three watchtower and awakes per year.
6 magazines a year.. 2. a new book is being released: remain in god's love, more of an update like how they did for the what does the bible really teach book.
Can't wait until the new Watchtowers and awakes look as bad as their current two page tracts.
The cut back
by Akid48 indoes the cut back for 6 magazines for the year show how there losing money or just cutting back.i feel going to begging for peoples money than just chargeing money for a magazine was kinda killing money.but they do get a lot of property and they can just sell that making money.. it seems to early for me to make a full opinion on the topic i wanted to know what others think about this..
They have been downsizing a lot over the years. The biggest tell that their loosing money or just don't want to spend any anymore is when they dropped the missionaries as well as closing a branch in African near countries where their growth was still double digit. This also made me realize this cult really is all about the money. Because other wise why would you stop where your growth is good unless you realize there no money to be made in these third world countries.
Who is the "faithful and discreet slave"? & JW class system
by Counter-Watchtower inive asked my jw friends that 3 times and never got an answer.. and can someone explain the jw class system?
and or point me to info on it..
My son asked me after a partook one time if I believed in heaven? I then realized he didn't even know that some JWs are supposed to go to heaven. I think a lot of JWs go to the meeting sing the first song then sit down and check out .
The Watchtower's Real Crisis
by JeffT inwhen discussing the watchtowers financial problems, i've generally been of the opinion that they probably are not in a real financial crisis.
i've come to believe that money may be something of an issue, but its wrapped up in a much larger problem.
this came to me this morning when reading about the annual meeting.. i think the society's leadership is just plain out of ideas.
They have been recycling magazine articles for a few years now. You right about them having nothing to say a no vigar.
2017 Annual Meeting
by Jules Saturn inthis just in from the 2017 annual meeting:.
1. watchtowers and awakes won't be released regularly, at least three watchtower and awakes per year.
6 magazines a year.. 2. a new book is being released: remain in god's love, more of an update like how they did for the what does the bible really teach book.
Nice wallsofJericho, now I think I'll be able to get my masters.
2017 Annual Meeting
by Jules Saturn inthis just in from the 2017 annual meeting:.
1. watchtowers and awakes won't be released regularly, at least three watchtower and awakes per year.
6 magazines a year.. 2. a new book is being released: remain in god's love, more of an update like how they did for the what does the bible really teach book.
No new Spanish Bible is really telling. They are not going to spend a dime on any group of people that can't donate. Remember when they closed down the African branch and braught home missionary's from Africa even though that's where most of their growth is coming from. Same with India, no money your on your own. THis is very telling. Let's hope that Spanish figure it out and start exiting the doors fast!!!
want to read a current false prophecy with 4 sevens as reference?
by waton innumerology: find wt magazine, 2o17, 07, page 7, paragraph 17, a "7" four times in the reference for completeness, .
false prophecy: read it.
analise the wording: wt predicts that the second death of "satan" and his final followers will be finished by the end of the thousand year reign.. now we do not have to wait until 3075 for overlaps to laps.. p.s.
Mike and Kim have a video about JWs being masons and their craft of deception. I starting to think they Kim and Mike maybe on to something. I believe Russell was a mason and the fact that this cult seams to be all about taking obvious things in the Bible and twisting them or out right lying or doing acactually what the Bible says not to do and then getting their followers to go along.
Example Russell's first book titled The Time At Hand predicted Armageddon in 1914. The Bible clearly states don't follow those that say the time is at Hand or the time is near. Luke 21:8.
I believe the guys at Bethel revel in getting JWs to believe and do the exact opposite of what the Bible says todo or teaches and then they as masons sit back and laugh.
Do JWs wonder why never converted someone that knows the Bible?
by Counter-Watchtower inmy experience with jws that came to my house started me on a journey of learning the truth about "jehovah's organization".
it didnt take long for me to stump them with bible questions that show what jw org teaches is not biblically accurate.
i hope when i lay on them 6 pages of their history (which will later be a counter-watchtower magazine) the light will come on when they read about pyramids and see photos.
Man the bible knowledge I obtained after leaving the cult. They really no nothing, in fact Christians no almost nothing.
"Circumcision is a sign to set you apart from the people of the nations"
by stuckinarut2 inwe know that the hebrew scriptures, or old testament states that the practice of circumcision (of males) was supposed to be yet another sign that set the jews apart from the "people of the nations".
but apart from so many odd things, how dumb is this?.
i mean, how did someone know if a male was circumcised or not??
I believe many of the stories in the Old Testament were written by Greeks not Jews. One can see their influence all over the place. Sampson is Hercules, Goliaths armor is Greek hoplight soldier armor. Circumcision was originally a Egyptian idea but the Greeks were all about the naked body. I could go on and on.