Nichloas, your darn right's people care about you, your family,friend's, even those who read your post, including myself.
Im a mom of three teen's, my daughter is also on Paxil, she goes through the stuff you do , your not alone. She need's to do thing's at her own pace, every one has "a pace" you need to discover what that is for you, your in charge of your own life, Your journey is just starting and only you can make it bloom into what you want. Take it a day at a time, some days will be better that other's, just take them as they come, the good with the bad, the exicting with the boreing.(all of us have shitty day's)
Life is hard, and full of many challanges, hang in there, there will be so much for you to see and do. There are "coffee break's" in this life. The beauty all around you, the parties you have to go to, the girl friend's you'll have, may be traveling, the book's to read, and maybe one day marriage and kid's, so much to do and see.
Dont give up, and please dont beat your self up with negitive message's about your self. " you are wonderfully and beautifully made".
.........from a mom that care's.............