Congrats on having a wife who is proud of you!
And for getting your degree with a perfect average
ok, i can't help myself.
i have to brag: little drummer boy just finished his college degree in computer administration with a 4.0 gpa!!!
i've lost track on how many letters go on his title after his name now.
Congrats on having a wife who is proud of you!
And for getting your degree with a perfect average
only about 15 minutes ago, i learned that my father died up the hospital this morning.
I'm sorry BB, you must feel terrible. Hang in there.
i asked earlier this year if anyone had joined the national geographic's genographic dna ancestry research project.
i decided to do it a couple months ago and also signed up with the testing lab to see , if i matched with any unknown cousins.
it took about 2 months for the cheek swab to be processed and i have my results.
But with a name of Moshe I would have assumed you to be jewish anyway.
well i worked for many years in low paying jobs-fast food,motels, delivering pizzas.
i started working in a law enforcement field nearly 8 years ago, and have been there ever since.
i always was interested in law enforcement and fire/rescue when i lived in kentucky, so i finally entered the corrections field in 1999. it's a decent paying job with benefits galore, i have lots of sick time built up along with lots of vacation time.
Lab Tech. Good pay, good benefits, not too much schooling, but enough needed.
blondie will probably hit me with a pie for posting this, but she hasn't been feeling well for a few days and i just thought we would let her know we are hoping she feels better soon!
(could you make that blueberry?).
and to all the friends out there that are not feeling well.
If you don't feel well Blondie, then I don't. Get well soon
many of you know that my cousin and best friend, sharon, died in september 2001 at age 59, after a 3 year battle with breast cancer.. now, another of our cousins (she is 56, the same age sharon was at her diagnosis) has breast cancer on both sides.
she had surgery a week ago, and just learned she has to have more.
it's still good news.
M - it sure does make you feel for your cousins. I'm sorry for their families and for you, everyone is affected from this illness. I sure hope you stay well.
so i went to the doctor yesterday for my exit counselling and some other things.. we talked about the religion, this is my first visit with her.
she said there is another good and loving god .....not that cruel one.
and she knew about the shunning that the witnesses do.. so this is the second doc within a weeks time, that seems to have a bit of background knowledge on the witness religion.. i wondered how many witnesses have needed counselling????
I've spoken with a therapist and specifically delved into the whole shunning thing so she would be very aware if speaking to a witness.
I was just told by an elder 2 weeks ago it's ok if you want to.
in order: .
garybuss- he says everything so straightforward.
it's just a publishing company that has no real control over your lives.. blondie- tends to always post the correct wt to help us see how .
Jgnat, Mary, FMZ, Juni, Audesphere, Zagor, Sunspot, Brenda, AND SO MANY MANY MORE.
this is really making me mad.
i write articles about different bible topics.
they are mostly geared to new christians to help them get a better understanding of basic doctrine, christian life, and christianity in the early church.
LL - that is really awful. Confront him. On the other hand it is a compliment.