Pastor Ed Young explained it like this: According to 2 Cor. 12:2, there is a third heaven, meaning there are at least other two. One heaven is the physical one where we exist. This includes the universe too. Another heaven is where the spiritual beings exist. This includes angels, cherubs, Satan, etc. The third heaven is where God resides and where Jesus is preparing a place for those He is taking with Him.
JoinedPosts by heyfea
What is Heaven?
by Robert7 inbased on my research the last few months, i think i realize what heaven is.
this is not a new concept, and i'm sure many have come to this conclusion... .
thousands of years ago, the belief was an 'earth-centric' universe.
Questions to God
by heyfea inif god offered to answer you three questions, what would you ask him?
1. who stole my diary?
2. are there any other earthlike planets in the universe with the purpose of being inhabited by humans?
Willdabeerman Are you Argentine?
Questions to God
by heyfea inif god offered to answer you three questions, what would you ask him?
1. who stole my diary?
2. are there any other earthlike planets in the universe with the purpose of being inhabited by humans?
Gopher, play along. But if you insist, anyone who can answer thruthfully.
Questions to God
by heyfea inif god offered to answer you three questions, what would you ask him?
1. who stole my diary?
2. are there any other earthlike planets in the universe with the purpose of being inhabited by humans?
If God offered to answer you three questions, what would you ask Him? I would ask him: 1. Who stole my diary? 2. Are there any other earthlike planets in the universe with the purpose of being inhabited by humans? 3. Who is His most favorite (loyal, faithful, friend) living human today?
Jehovah's Witnesses Are NOT Conscientious & They Don't Really Care!
by minimus inwitnesses try to make it sound as though they are very very conscientious people.
they care about you, your spiritual welfare, your everlasting welfare....but nothing could be further from the truth!
if they truly cared, they would see to it that they reached people to give them the lifesaving truth.
Minimus, do you know how I learned the truth, aka Jesus? Thru the media, TV and radio. Many times I've asked myself the same question. How come this billionaire organization doesn't use TV airtime to spread the good news? You are so right, they just don't care.
Do you believe that the majority of JW's will be saved?
by JH inif there is a god, do you think that the majority of jw's will be saved at armageddon?.
i'm not asking if they have the only true religion, i'm asking if you think they would be saved along with others who do god's will sufficiently to satisfy him.....
All I know is this: According to Mathew 25:31-46 it looks like those who are saved have doubts of having lived a Godly life. On the other hand, those who will be destroyed, are pretty confident about survival, only to be shocked at the end. It is up to each of us how we live. We cannot use the excuse they told me so.
Do you still pray?
by Layla33 ini was wondering about this the other day before i went to sleep, out of habit and my spiritual beliefs now, i spoke to the spiritual realm above and asked for guidance and protection.. i remember my journey of leaving the jw "borg" (a new term i have picked up here - i like it!
) and at first i refused to pray at all, and then i wasn't sure i wanted to or not, and then i developed my own sense of the higher power above and spirituality and every night before i sleep, i feel blessed to have another day of life, to do it all again.
even on days when i am not having such a good day, i take time to ask the higher realm for strength and direction.
Right after I left no. But then, little by little I started to listen to other Christian denominations, like Billy Graham, Paul Sheppard, Ed Young, etc. and I realized what it means to be a Christian.
Yes, I pray. It doesn't mean that all my prayers will be answered to my liking. Maybe the answear will be NO. But regardless, I like to tell Jehovah and Jesus, (yes, I also pray to Jesus), all the simple and reasonable things a mother, a woman in a stable and sound mind could hope for.
Need Your Opinions: Public speaking training on resume?
by feenx inlike many ex dubs my education stopped after h.s.
in today's job market that can pose certain challenges.
though i have plenty of industry experience to show, the research i've done shows regardless of what it is, employers look to what education history is listed.
If in this job you're searching for you need to give presentations, I'd say, by all means, write it down.
Things You HATED About Being a JW
by minimus inthere were a few things that i hated about being a witness.. i love music and live concerts.
quite often i'd have to play my music privately or hide an album cover for fear it might "stumble" someone.
i hated worrying whether someone was going to somehow get "stumbled.. regarding going to concerts, it seemed that certain artists only came to town on a meeting night and i'd miss the shows.. what did you hate about being a jehovah's witness?.
Plus, someone mentioned that they went to the meetings after work without having had any dinner. That was our case too, but, we had a small child. So, I would take a small break during the meeting to feed my son. I hated the indignant looks I got from this stupid bethelite whenever I did this.
Last thing I heard, he left the dubs. too.
Real friends
by ldrnomo indid anybody really have truly good friends when they were deep into the borg or like me was there just really never enough time to cultivate good friendships?
In my case, I NEVER had any "real" friends. It too was all superficial. Disgusting now that I think about it.
A friend is supposed to be there for you unconditionally. How can a JW be unconditional? Impossible. One could never open up to these people; tell them our weaknesses, our desires, our doubts. If we did, you know we'd end up in front of a panel of elders.
I'm super happy I'm out.