Just after a bit of advise. After I started fading about 8 months ago, I decided to join a dating web site. Ok I meet a lady, who I have dated twice. Nice and pleasant and although we are on the same mental wave length, I do have a number of concerns. They are as follows:
She has a child, and I don't.
Her last partner she filed assault charges against for hitting her son.
She is from a developing country, and is living here in a 1st world country, and dosnt have residency.
But Here is a comment that she made that really took me back and made me wonder where I am at in this stage of my life. Although not naming the religion I told her about the situation I was in. I always liked to be up front so if things develop a bit more and when she wonders why my relatives don't want to meet her, or why I am having to tread carefully (I'm not DFed, and would choose not to be), she can sort of understand, although I said she probably has no idea. But here was the thing that really struck me, when she said " I don't think that you have fully moved on from this, and although you are probably not going to say this openly I do believe that some part of you is still holding onto this. I also think that that there is a very strong possibility that you will eventually return to it". Sort of took me back a bit that comment, and it scared me.
Like I said above. This is only the 2nd date so it's early days. But it just made me wonder.