Just another way the WTO ruins kids. It's sad.
JoinedPosts by Thechickennest
Kid's playing sports?
by ldrnomo inanyone keep their kids from playing sports because of the borg?.
when my son was 8 years old they had a t-ball league in the summer at the nearby park.
because of the borg training we told him he couldn't play t-ball.. that kind of thinking just carried on throughout his life from junior high through high school.
Did you ever really believe that god wanted you to shun people?
by jambon1 ini think at one point i did.
looking back i can't see why i thought like that.
i always had doubts about it but you would hear the old 'gods loving dicipline' line.
The Elder-PO who studied with my sister and I before I was baptized, said about the shunning...." it is really a loving arrangement'. I kind of went along with it until this same Elder's disfellowshipped son was dying in the hospital with cancer a couple of years later. I had become close to this Elder and his wife. I took Orville and his wife to the hospital and we all visited thier disfellowshipped son. Orville came away from that visit saying that it was going to be ok because "David has made his peace with God"
From what I know now we all could have been disfellowshipped at that time for making that visit.
I think there was a huge message in that experience for all four of us that day. While this Elder and his wife were faithful until they died, we knew just between us that the shunning issue was a bad deal and nothing that we could defend any longer.
Do the JW's really and truly believe that the end is near?
by TooBad TooSad inif the jw's really believe what the witchtower babble and trick society says about.
the end being so close, do their actions betray what they preach?
if you knew that your house.
I don't think they have a clue. I spent about 25 years knowing that we really did not know when the end would come...I was for the largest part alone in that reasoning!
How much does gas cost where you live?
by reneeisorym ini was depressed yesterday because i put in the first $40.00 tank of gas.
(i drive a toyota matrix -- i'm sure most people should think i should shut up now ...) .
i was hoping you guys could make me feel grateful for only having to pay $40.
$4.00 and going up.
Feeling really sad and missing my family.
by Aphrodite ini really feel i have no one to turn to who understands other than you guys of course.
i'm just really sad and crying a lot and missing my whole extended familly who are all witnesses.
i basicly have me my husband and two kids and my 2 sisters who are out.
Sorry to hear of your circumstances. Sometimes we just have to take the bad days with the better days.
Just wanted to say I hope that you are not falling victim to the shunning. You are feeling just how our former family members still in want you to feel. It's sick. It's enough to make a perfectly sane person want to get "shitfaced" Hope you can mend some fences with your father if you feel that would be appropriate. How easy it is to become toxic when we dwell too much on those we miss that are still in.
Hang in there. You just have to know that you have not done anything wrong in the choices that you have made.
Good evening! Welcome!
Did you help clean the Kingdom Hall, yard work, maintenance?
by Thechickennest inat one hall i attended for serveral years had a lawn covering large man-made burms with trees and bushes.
it was a difficult yard to mow and maintain.
i have often wondered why we all pitched in and worked so hard for nothing.
At one Hall I attended for serveral years had a lawn covering large man-made burms with trees and bushes. It was a difficult yard to mow and maintain. I have often wondered why we all pitched in and worked so hard for nothing.
Current elder explains the college situation to me
by changeling inwhile he says he has not seen a letter ,he tells me that at the last visit the co told his body of elders pretty much what is being said here on jwd.. he gave some examples: .
1- if a young ms/pioneer, attends college and lives at home, would he and his elder dad be deleted?
the young man is "spiritually focused".. 2- an elder's daughter attends college in the hopes of having a good job in the future and dad promotes this course of action.
I find this really hard to stomach. Maybe the WT should write a WT study called "keep em barefoot and pregnant".
No Girls Scout Cookies for you!
by independent_tre ineven though, i was raised in a witness home, i never remember hearing that girl scout cookies were a no-no.
and even though i've only been baptized for a few years, i don't remember any specific admonishment of these sweet treats.
but recently at work a jdub coworker made it a point to remind me that jw's do not buy or eat girl scout cookies.
I have always bought the cookies.....maybe, that's where it all went wrong for me!
What if a JW or perhaps, JW's lie to you many times over......over the course of many years? the truth would be elusive at best. JW's call the process of getting at the truth..."new light".....Being a victim of a lie or lies by anyone is disheartening, in fact you can loose your life, your family, material things, when a person is not told the truth. When the folks that call themselves witnesses of the one true god, Jehovah tell an untruth be it individually or collectively, the results are almost always catastrophic in nature. When anyone lies to you....all you can do is pick up the pieces and go on. Quite often most modern day organizations of religion are large enough and powerful enough that there is no accountability to them when lies are told by them over and over again. I suppose this is way too much information! Well, that's my "get up on my soapbox" sermon for tonight!