JoinedTopics Started by seekchristonly
What is the Matrix
by seekchristonly innot the movie with keanne reeves.
is our perception of reality an illusion of the reality we cannot perceive.
IS Science Absolute Truth
by seekchristonly inif we have faith in science and scientific claims about the universe, origins of life etc.
is that absolute truth.
if so then if they declare that god exists with evidence then do all those who believe in science then believe in god or a creator.
400 Million Atoms Know What to do at the same time
by seekchristonly init's claimed it takes 400 million atoms to become a single strand of dna.
how do the atoms know.
3. what order.
Atheism is a Belief System
by seekchristonly inis atheism a belief system.
after all the atheist believes there is no god .so if that's the case then an atheist if a person of faith.
they have faith in the fact there is no god.
John 1:1-18
by Doug Mason ini spent a couple of hours trying to work out the poetic structure of john 1:1-18. i have made my first rough draft available as a word document so that others can amend it for themselves.
the text i used is from the niv.
it will be interesting to see the poetic structures produced by analyses of other translations..
Why is shunning NOT a violation of Nat'l and Int'l law?
by Zoos ini was looking at the universal declaration of human rights posted at and also the description of what constitutes a violation of religious freedom at .. .
according to the declaration of human rights:.
article 18.. everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Science proves there is a God
by seekchristonly infusion with god natural .
in the cosmos universe or whatever.
all things are made of the same materials etc so humans will always be fused with the universe in life and death because those building blocks are eternal.
Did Christ Put an End to Organised Religion
by seekchristonly inyes, he was that radical.
im suggesting he put an end to organised religion with the prophesied destruction of jerusalem , the jewsish system, the old covenant and the temple in the 1st century..
Religion vs the gospel
by Fernando inour family's journey out of the watchtower has led us to see the gospel as the antithesis or exact opposite of religion.. for us religion is men telling us what to believe and do (to control us).. for us the gospel is god telling us what he has done (to liberate us from such men).. how have you come to see the relationship between religion and the gospel?.
If a Nuclear War Was to Start would you start praying again
by cassuk11 ini would be interested to know if the announcement came of an immenent nuclear war would you start praying or get drunk etc etc..