Believe it or not some truly love God. Some here on this board love God.
I would agree that they believe they do. However, those who often boldly profess a "love for God", are the very same ones who worship a very diminutive and vindictive god-image. They unquestionably embrace a blood encrusted idol peddled from the dank and dusty pages of an archaic book; an anthropomorphic hand-me-down. Honestly, is it the unimaginable Source of all existence they love, or a simple minded story character created by tribal fears and nightmares? If their "love" is so great, why is it so easily fooled? Why do they bow to something so small as a deity?
Perhaps those who truly respect the Divine (whatever that word points to), cater to no known god or religion -- for to do so is to bastardize and belittle it. My sense is that many so called "atheists" are noble people who honor truth and life in a way beyond most religious people's grasp.