JoinedTopics Started by Icansaylucky
Has anyone read Toni Castro's The Truth Book?
by Icansaylucky init's a memoir of a girl growing up jw.
if you are ever feeling sentimental and missing your jw days, this book is a must read.
it truly reinforces why i'm out.
Latest JW Tract
by Icansaylucky ini posted this on personal experience, but thought i should share it here as well:
i came home to find the latest jw tract on my door.
it was titled "the end of false religion is near" what a catchy title, never heard that one before.
Latest JW tract
by Icansaylucky ini came home to find the latest jw tract on my door.
it was titled "the end of false religion is near" what a catchy title, never heard that one before.
i started breezing through it and came across a subtitle called "false religion... tolerates immoral sex" they actually have the nerve to say, and this is an exact quote " even churches that condemn immoralality have tolerated religious leaders who have sexually abused children"
Is it me, or is this as tacky as it comes?
by Icansaylucky inthis week there was a obituary of an elder i knew when i was a witty.
he had several children and a wife.
the obit didn't say anything accept: "so and so died after a lengthy illness, he was member of the jehovah's witnesses.
Please Read, need advise or a good attorney
by Icansaylucky ini need some input or advice or an attorney that would like to take on some jws.
just a little history about myself so its clear about my connection to this situation.
i am 50 yrs old and have been out of the organization for 26 years.
JW working the obituaries
by Icansaylucky ini was reading my local paper this morning and there was a letter to the editor.
the writer had recently lost a child and the child's obituary was recently printed in our paper.
the writer said she received a letter with a "jehovah witness tract" called "what help for dead loved ones?
Has anyone read Swimming Upstream-The Ressurection
by Icansaylucky init was written by shoshanah simon an xjw and survivor of an extremely dysfunctional jw family.
very good book, i found it on ebay.
i think every one here that was raised a witness can identify with similarities in our jw childhood's.
Need info on the "new light" regarding B.Days and other "New Light"
by Icansaylucky ini got a call this morning from my son's ex-girlfriend.
she and i are still friends and i have filled her in on the jw's believes and all the bs they call the truth.
she is fairly young, 23 and very meek and mild.
Strangest thing you were called on the carpet for.
by Icansaylucky ini would like to hear some of the strangest or most ridiculous thing you got in trouble with the elders for.
here is mine.. back in the early 70's i was married at the age of 18, typical witness thing to do.
my husband who was 6 years older than i ruled me like a overly strict father.