Yes I hate the religion....but I like some of the people that are still in it.
a simple question: do you hate the religion of jehovah's witnesses?
feel free to elaborate on your answer.. b.
Yes I hate the religion....but I like some of the people that are still in it.
bladerunner - lots of rain...big coca-cola ad on the side of a building...more rain...punk rocker chick...what is this movie about again?.
finding neverland - blech.
you're sooo pretty johnny.. pulp fiction - hit men discussing what mcdonalds quarter pounders are called in france.
Citizen Kane....
What was so great about that film????
I thought it sucked, and I couldn't care less about Rosebud, or whatever.
The Shining....
Redrum, redrum, redrum....
I named my daughter "Flushing".
a higher profile bethelite has been kicked out of bethel.
there are hints that there are more to come.. .
Maybe it's not a big deal....I don't know.
i threw this out on another thread and someone asked that i give it it's own.
there were other ideas thrown out, but this one is developed enough to merit discussion.
i am not sure how to pull this off.. . the way, I'll go along with whatever you guys decide.
i threw this out on another thread and someone asked that i give it it's own.
there were other ideas thrown out, but this one is developed enough to merit discussion.
i am not sure how to pull this off.. .
The idea of a billboard next to every kingdom hall in the country..(or as close to a billboard as you can get, maybe just a big sign) in a concentrated, precisely timed fashion. A blitz, showing the JWD web address. They would freak out in Brooklyn bethel.
This all hinges on good intel
it's spelled integ. And I hope nothing hinges on me...
i didnt know what other word to use but nerdy,, but you will get the picture when i tell you a couple of my favorites.
or maybe they are not so much "nerdy" as they are just off the beaten path singers,,maybe even a bit odd.
barry mannilow,.
this is an email my sister receieved (i know im bad but she just left it running here how can you expect me not to) talking about the "dating scene" of jw youth, specifically girls.
we all know these guys... you'd think they'd change up their routine!
theocratic lookout .
That was actually cute.........There is something to be said for those wide eyed innocent witness youth. Their lives may not be based on reality, but it's kinda cute none the less.
a higher profile bethelite has been kicked out of bethel.
there are hints that there are more to come.. .
Yes. I was bound and gagged with watchtower and awake magazines, and my hands and feet were tied with "Miracle Wheat" rope, but I managed to escape my captors clutches by throwing a blood sausage at them. Anyway, Tim Olson, from what I've been told, was a big honcho in the computer/tech area of bethel. He had slaved there at bethel for over 8 years. There is only speculation as to why he was sent home, but I do know it was very sudden, and apparently they called his parents and said; "you guys gotta come out here and get him right now!" I think he is in his 30's or so. He was NOT a super big-wig out there, but apparently held many responsible positions while there. Who knows, maybe he got caught "chokin' the chicken" to hot asian teens or something, but I wouldn't think they would oust him just for that. Or would they????? I would imagine that there would be a lot of "chicken choking" going on out there to deal with anyway. But as I said, I was told there was more to come, with no further elaboration on my informants part.
i was told that he was that's why thye have the same doctrine.........................................
I thought Russell was Seventh Day Adventerous.?????