Forgive me if this has been addressed, but how is Quotes' battle with the faithless slave coming along?
they pressured their own followers into not setting up websites to promote the jw religion,they have demonised the internet as if on every webpage there is someone ready to destroy the faith of a jw, and they are monitoring websites that are hostile to them to see if they can find ways to legally close them down.
why do they fear the net so much if they have the truth as they like to parrot so often?
Forgive me if this has been addressed, but how is Quotes' battle with the faithless slave coming along?
What's going on with the quotes case?
hi all, this post comes from the e-watchman site, when i get the mags, i will post further..
the following is taken from the watchtower of january 15, 2006, page 23 under the heading 'resist the foremost apostate': .
'because of listening to the devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized.
I agree that the growth isn't as big, but it's just hard to figure out why so many STILL SHOW UP for assemblies, meetings, etc when there is so much info out there to refute their ridiculous lies and cover-ups, and false teachings, and control.
It doesn't make sense. I know there will always be some who go for truly social-peer pressure reasons, but I hope that trend starts to reverse itself soon.
hi all, this post comes from the e-watchman site, when i get the mags, i will post further..
the following is taken from the watchtower of january 15, 2006, page 23 under the heading 'resist the foremost apostate': .
'because of listening to the devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized.
I am very disappointed that the "society" continues to flourish despite all the info available about them on the net. The Kingdom Hall parking lot where I live is packed like never before. You never see any new people, but all the same, it's truly disappointing. I see no evidence of any decline in membership (maybe a little), but overall things seem to be going right along as ever. I was wrong apparently, when I predicted that the house of cards was falling at a rapid pace. The CO comes to town and everybody shows up like it's the premeire of Star Wars 4. I do not attribute this to them having the "truth" or anything, but simply to the fact that the Watchtower knows what the hell they're doing. I will not make the mistake of underestimating them.
They are NOT going down anytime soon. I hate to sound defeatest, but all this info about the society has been out on the web and so on, for a number of years and these guys are still thriving like never before. What is REALLY going to change that? The UN scandal didn't make a dent. The pedophile issue had virtually NO effect. Trying to bring them down is a waste of time. The only hope is that somehow real "TRUTH" will prevail.
I am not "giving up" the fight, but the hard reality we have to face is that the WTBS is not going ANYWHERE. They are extremely strong financially, legally, and otherwise, and they are just getting stronger. They know what the hell they are doing. I truly see no hope in sight for their demise. I'm sick of having a pollyanna attitude that "oh.. once this info gets out the Watchtower is in real trouble" They aren't in jack squat. They are as strong as ever. Nothing can stop them. We all can do our little things that peck away at them, but I believe at this point it's just a waste of time. I'm sick of fighting it. We should all just let it go and let God take care of things. It doesn't matter what happens. The entire governing body could admit on live TV that they rape young boys and steal on a regular basis, and sit around together and have circle jerks, and it STILL WOULDN'T MATTER. The hall would still be packed come Sunday. I think this is the reality we face.
Just drive by the kingdom hall next Sunday during meeting time, and see how much of an effect the internet is having. I HATE IT, but that is what I see. I wish I could see some light and the end of the tunnel, but the "flock' is just too damn stubborn and stupid!
do you guys think we are sufficiantly along in the month of october to be able to say that the end isnt coming in the fall of '05?.
when i was a dub i really thought the end was coming this month.. 1975+30= 2005. if adam was 30 when eve was created this would be the end of the 5000 years of since jahs last rest.. eve created, jah rest for 1000 years (1k years is as one day to jovah) he picks up work again 1000 years after eve is created.
now in 2005 that means he has just 1 more "day" until the next great 1k years sabbath.
I'd rather worship 'Elijah' than the evil old farts in Brooklyn. If I had to make a choice between the two, then Elijah..SIGN ME UP! I'M IN!
He seems a lot nicer.
doesn't stuff like this just make you sick.
i can't believe how brainwashed i was.
"Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class?"
1) Good Question
2) Who cares?
3) If a "slave" is not greater than his master, than why are we supposed to believe this"slave" over all others?
4) The WTBS', and it's self appointed "Holy Ones" have failed to prove that they are this "slave" anyways.
i find the concept of taking select warnings of the medical and science world, to disfellowship members, and ignoring others ... all the more interesting as i think about it.
after all, heart desease is the biggest killer in the americas.
heart desease and heart related deaths are often linked to and not exclusive to; obesity, high cholesterol, fatty foods, not exercising, high stress, etc.. with this in mind, i dare someone to call an elder and report that they saw one of the local witnesses eating at mcdonalds, even though the doctor warned them it could kill them.
I ride a motorcycle. That should also count as a disfellowshipping offence, should it not?
depends if it's a Harley or not.
the october 1st awake has a stern warning for "young ones" to stay away from witness websites.
they could actually be apostates you are .
talking to.
The October 1st Awake has a stern warning for "young ones" to stay away from witness websites. They could actually be apostates you are
talking to. The article talks about the fact there are websites up that claim to be for Jehovahs Witnesses, but are really apostate websites in
disguise. The article also warns of the dangers of ...NEWSPAPERS!!! Newspapers often do not tell the truth about things and we must use
discernment in determining what is true and what may be lies. In fact, that is the cover story. There's also the article "Jicama....a healthful
Mexican snack", that I found most fascinating. I'm sure you will too.
for those born into the wts, do you ever feel resentment towards your folks for forcing this upon you?
i went through a stage of strong resentment and anger, but no longer feel this way.
i think they sincerely believed they were acting in my best interests.
no, because I believe everything happens for a reason.
ok first of all whenever i get a strong feeling about something im usually right.
even though for years as a child i was taught the jw doctrine and it seemed to make sense biblically, at least back then.
but yet i had a strong sense of doubt, but it was nothing specific i could point the finger to, just a gut feeling that there was something wrong with the jw religion.. now here's my main point.
Nothing would surprise me with the WTBS.
One cannot entirely dismiss the plausibility of Junction Guys' post just because you don't the Society could do such a thing. There's no solid proof FOR it, but there's no proof AGAINST it either. And one has to admit they have had their share of shenanigans.
I never thought they would join the UN and then lie about it either, so I will not discount ANYTHING when it comes to these jokers.