There's a reason I haven't been on this site in over a year...It makes me angry to read about this ridiculous, pompous, group of stinky a$$ jerkoffs and them claiming they have Gods "favor".
They 'GB' are the real "evil ones'
mark 3:22-30 states,.
"and the scribes who came down fromjerusalem said, 'he has beelzebub,' and, 'by the ruler of the demons he casts out demons.
' ...'assuredly, i [jesus] say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against theholy spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation;' because they said, 'he has an unclean spirit'"(nkjv, emphasis added / note: the pharisees made the same charge in mat 9:34.)..
There's a reason I haven't been on this site in over a year...It makes me angry to read about this ridiculous, pompous, group of stinky a$$ jerkoffs and them claiming they have Gods "favor".
They 'GB' are the real "evil ones'
the new co in the area referenced the above quote from the bible during one of his talks recently.
his point was that we need to get out in the ministry and not take a bunch of breaks in service and stuff.
he said that jesus told his followers that when he sent them out.
The new CO in the area referenced the above quote from the bible during one of his talks recently. His point was that we need to get out in the ministry and not take a bunch of breaks in service and stuff. He said that Jesus told his followers that when he sent them out. He said in those times the Jews never could just say "hi" to someone they knew, they were obligated to spend a lot of time in conversation with them. He explained that when the bible talks of "greeting" it refers to that kind of extensive conversation. Well if that's the case, how should that apply to disfellowshipping? Wouldn't that mean that it would be okay to say "hi" to df'd people, just not engage in a long conversation with them? Or is this just another twisting of the scriptures to suit their own purposes again?
a sister from my "congregation" has a bible study, and this study had compiled a boatload of questions about russell, the wt history, and incongruencies etc.
and the sister told her that she refuses to answer the questions and that they are apostate teachings.
she told the study that "it isn't up to me to prove the truth to you, you need to prove the truth to yourself".. as another poster put up the topic of "doesn't it blow your mind?
A sister from my "congregation" has a bible study, and this study had compiled a boatload of questions about Russell, the WT history, and incongruencies etc. etc. and the sister told her that she refuses to answer the questions and that they are apostate teachings. She told the study that "it isn't up to me to prove the Truth to you, YOU need to prove the Truth to yourself".
As another poster put up the topic of "doesn't it blow your mind?" it certainly applies in this case.
What does it say about a religion and its adherents that they can go to peoples houses and tell them about their beliefs, and how their beliefs are the Truth, but when confronted with honest questions, they get a response like the above?
this is some research i did showing that russell, was not, in fact a freemason (aka mason).
it is from the website: . .
You aren't actually quoting David Icke as if he is some kind of "reliable" source are you?
This is the same guy who claims that Nancy Reagan wore a strap on dildo as she systematically helped in raping dozens of hapless young children. According to Icke, she and Ron and various other political notables, would participate in hunting human beings for sport at some remote island, and then they would all rape young kids. Yeah riiiigggggggggghhhhht...
recently my brother took the speaker and his wife out for lunch.
i was visiting my bro at the time so i tagged along.
during the course of the meal the couple started talking about their kids.
Yeah. The Sinclairs are always bragging about their little "Joey" who was baptized but has since done NOTHING with the truth.
hey folks,.
just curious what your take would be on this.. i have a witness friend, who happens to be a radio announcer (dj) on a rock station ( yes i know, that is weird in and of itself).
anyway, he wants to leave the "truth" but family keeps him in.
Thanks for all the advice.
This is a real tough one.
You guys have given me a lot to think about. ALL of you make valid points. I'm going to think hard about this before making any rash moves...or no moves at all.
Thanks again,
hey folks,.
just curious what your take would be on this.. i have a witness friend, who happens to be a radio announcer (dj) on a rock station ( yes i know, that is weird in and of itself).
anyway, he wants to leave the "truth" but family keeps him in.
I had to change a couple things on original post so as not to reveal too much info.
Sorry 'bout that, but thanks again for reply.
I think you're right.
Witness or non-witness, it's still not right to be playing with fire.
hey folks,.
just curious what your take would be on this.. i have a witness friend, who happens to be a radio announcer (dj) on a rock station ( yes i know, that is weird in and of itself).
anyway, he wants to leave the "truth" but family keeps him in.
Hey folks,
Just curious what your take would be on this.
I have a witness friend, who happens to be a radio announcer (DJ) on a rock station ( yes I know, that is weird in and of itself). Anyway, he wants to leave the "truth" but family keeps him in. There is a divorced woman (df'd) former "sister", who has been calling him up when he's on the air and making "requests". She has even gone so far as to stop out at the station where he works to visit him and "hang out".
I'm concerned for my friend. He is really a cool guy .
I don't know what advice to give him. This "sister" seems to be really making the moves on him, but he would never cheat on his wife. At least I don't think so.
Maybe this is more of a ? for Dr. Phil, but since he isn't available......
If this were your friend what would you tell him?
i have it on my computer i just tell me which date
I've got it. The actual paper copy.
What do you want to know?
Let's talk about it.
does anyone have a quote, with date, issue and page number, to one of those lovely wt quotes that basically says "as sad as it is when your kid goes crazy and leaves the organization one must remain faithful and recognize it was not their fault or parenting but the childs own dimentia that caused them to leave" ?
it's for a letter i am writing :)
That is the best, most accurate post I have ever read.