Richard DAWSON is dead. And when the hell did he become an atheist?
Posts by integ
Explosive talk given by by Richard Dawkins, highly recommended
by zagor ini've just posted it on another thread but thought many other would see it if i dedicate a thread to it.
it is brutally honest and sincere, something you don't hear often lately.
definitely one of the best i've ever heard.
Regarding "The End Is So Close" Thread
by senora ini just had another take on that thread, so i decided to start a new one.. i've been going to the meetings off and on lately, so for the ones of you who haven't been in a while, you would not believe how much the the borg is constantly repeating that phrase over and over again.
its like they are trying to spook everyone out.
so everyone is constantly saying that phrase over and over, and i mean everyone.
Not to spoil the fun but I haven't really heard any NEW sense of urgency at all about the end being imminent. Outside of what they have always been saying, and I've got a lot of close relatives very much "in", and they would be talking this up to me.
...not that there are any ugly chicks on this board.
Women's musk perfume is disgusting. How can any of you women think that stuff actually smells good. It truly makes me want to puke. It seems like it's always the real ugly chicks that put it on too. Do you do it on purpose?
This is All of Our " Let's Laugh at Something Funny " Thread-Feel Free
by flipper inso, at the end of a hard work week , i find it nice to have a cocktail, relax, and watch a comedy or tell funny stories !
so i welcome you to share anything funny in your life that has happened !
or someone else's life too !
I find it funny that most of the people that live in the State of Wisconsin have their entire self identity wrapped up in a football team. And base their happiness on whether that team wins or loses even though they have absolutely no control over the outcome of the games that football team plays.
Another funny fact: Domestic violence complaints go up over 30 % in the State of Wisconsin when the team I am referring to loses. I guess that really isn't funny, it's just sad.
Another one: In an unsubstantiated poll, 90 % of the males in the State of Wisconsin would rather have sex with the corpse of Vince Lombardi than with their own spouses.(okay, I made that one up).
If You Were Wrong About The JWs, Maybe Your Current Beliefs Aren't True
by serotonin_wraith inif you're here, it's likely you were once fooled by what the jws believe.. back then, i expect you thought you were smart.
you thought you could tell if you were being lied to.
yet, they got past your mental defenses and sucked you in.. knowing this, how can you be sure your current religious beliefs are true?.
I am not a "bible thumping" christian fanatic, but it is obvious that some kind of intelligent "life force" started this whole thing called "life". To say otherwise is simply ridiculous and makes less sense than anything the Jehovahs Witnesses ever said even on their worst day. If you don't want to call that intelligent creative force"God", or "Jehovah" fine, or you don't believe in the biblical God, I can appreciate that. Maybe I'm confused as to what athiests really believe, but it would seem to make sense that SOMETHING created this Universe we live in. It certainly makes more sense than NOTHING created it.
Not trying to be a jerk but what am I missing here?
are the governing body going to heaven
by looloo inor are they not in the 144000, and do you think the members of gb really think that they are directed by god , or dont want to rock the boat ,and enjoy power , how do they get promoted to gb and do they havet o wait till one snuffs it before getting in the gang just curious
I believe all GB members CLAIM to be of the annonited class. I think you have to have that CLAIM before they promote you to that level.
As for how they get promoted to that 'level", I think it is all based on their level of loyalty and service to the corporation. One would work their way through the ranks, from elder to CO to DO, to positions at Bethel etc.
I think you really have to be a cream of the crop exemplary loyal guy to make it to the top. I would guess that someone already on the GB would have to really like you as well.
They also hold to the preposterous and delusional claim that somehow Jehovah's Spirit speaks to them as to whom they should appoint to their elitist club of sadistic, impotent, diaper wearing, false prophesying, stinky-arse, bad suit purchasing, compulsive lying arses.
any current JW's can you tell me .......
by grewupJWnoselfesteem78-95 init seems that no current jw's can answer this for me ?
they seem to avoid the question like the plague and i dont know why ?
is there any current jw's out there that know this answer ?.
Your post says it all. That IS the way it really IS when trying to decipher and de-code the "secrets" of the witnesses.
Feeling sorry for the old time witnesses...wishing it were the "truth".
by integ init's really pretty sad.
i think of my parents, my aunt, and a lot of the old timers that have been in this thing for so long, and i can't help but feel sorry for them.
i mean, how devastating it would/will it be to find out they have been duped all along.
It's really pretty sad. I think of my parents, my aunt, and a lot of the old timers that have been in this thing for so long, and I can't help but feel sorry for them. I mean, how devastating it would/will it be to find out they have been duped all along. EVERYTHING they have believed in suddenly comes crashing down when they realize it has all been bull$hi*. There whole freaking lives. All the standing up for the "truth". All the arguments, the meeting attendance, EVERYTHING a monumental waste. They would feel foolish, embarrassed, and just plain DEVASTATED.
I almost wish it were all true for their sake. I guess I'm looking at things a bit differently lately. Some of these folks so loyal and trusting...waiting, waiting, still waiting for the end to come. Waiting for their vindication that weren't just nutballs for devoting their entire lives to this. It truly breaks my heart.
Actually, if I had it my way, it WOULD be all true. I mean, who cares? I could live in a paradise new world and be happy I guess- even if I had to live with only JW's if that's the way God wants it. Trouble is, I'm pretty sure, that it's NOT the way God wants it.
It's sad. I know that my mother is just counting the days until she can see her father again in the ressurection; welcome him back. She lives for that day, as do many more of the "sincere" ones still in.
I think that of all the stuff the WTS has done to people, this giving of false hope to these poor folks, is one of the worst.
I would actually be happy to hear that it really IS the truth for that reason.
If there IS a hell, there is a special place reserved there for the leaders of this org.
Generation change in study article
by LadyCCC ini just finished reading the "journal" and it mentioned that they have said in the past that the generation meant the unbelieving jews, and then in modern day times generation meant world of unbelievers, now am i wrong to assume that what is mentioned in paragraph 15 of the last study article in the feb. 15th watchtower is that the annointed are the "generation"?
is this now new light?
are we to assume that this is still the truth despite the changes, i mean what if they are and our faith is being tested?
The witnesses are making things up as they go along.