Spending extra on groceries. No comparison shopping
road to nowhere ...
Same here. We are saving some money by not eating out for lunch as much but spending more by my wife insisting on having food delivered. You don't see all of the specials (a lot of 2 x 1 specials at our supermarket). The website only shows the standard prices. So if I buy one brand of pasta and could have bought something similar and get 2 x 1, I don't see some of the specials.
Plus, I can't pick and choose the fresh stuff (lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, bean sprouts, oregano, parsley, cilantro, lemon grass, beets, kale, swiss chard, fennel, mangos, pineapples, limes, kiwi, strawberries, bananas, etc. etc. etc.). I could go on and on.
I can't pick and choose. If something looks good and is the right price, I buy it. If not, I pick something else. If the strawberries don't look good or too expensive, I'll buy blueberries or blackberries or whatever looks good.
Now I feel at the mercy of some kid shopping for me and in the end spending a lot more.
Plus, there is no way in hell I am letting some kid pick out a piece of fresh fish for me, let alone pick out a whole fish and try to explain how to look at the eyes and how to press the side of the fish and see if it springs back quickly or how to determine how fresh it is.
Fortunately, I may just wait until my wife is on a long business call for an hour or so and slip out the back door and walk to the supermarket (about 10 minutes away) since she hid my car keys.
I'll see if I can pull it off. If not, I do have a tent if I get caught and have to sleep outside ... lol.
Rub a Dub