Liquor can stay open, ice cream not.
road to nowhere ...
Do you consider ice cream essential?
Rub a Dub
i support local and state and federal government’s power to safeguard the public.
i wonder is it getting to a point where we will be told we can’t go out anymore, can’t use your phone or computer anymore because of the viruses that we can get, etc.
are we prolonging this virus at all ?
Liquor can stay open, ice cream not.
road to nowhere ...
Do you consider ice cream essential?
Rub a Dub
every single news item, on every single news channel, and the majority of threads on this site, for the past three weeks seem to be either directly or indirectly related to covid-19.
is nothing else happening in the world?
has putin stopped slaughtering syrian civilians?
Cant even get a decent earthquake, fire, tornado.
road to nowhere ...
No, you can't even get a good mass shooting nowadays since they don't allow groups of people together.
Rub a Dub
i support local and state and federal government’s power to safeguard the public.
i wonder is it getting to a point where we will be told we can’t go out anymore, can’t use your phone or computer anymore because of the viruses that we can get, etc.
are we prolonging this virus at all ?
The town designated that walkers could only walk one side of a street to avoid coronavirus.
Min ...
I just saw on the news that one of our major food stores here (not sure which one) is making the aisles one-way with arrows on the floor. This is to avoid face to face contact. I have no problem with that.
Rub a Dub
every single news item, on every single news channel, and the majority of threads on this site, for the past three weeks seem to be either directly or indirectly related to covid-19.
is nothing else happening in the world?
has putin stopped slaughtering syrian civilians?
I miss the good ole' days when you turned on Fox "News" and it was wall-to-wall Hillary bashing. When we learned about setting up our private email servers in closets, bleaching hard drives and other cool stuff.
Where has the time gone?
Rub a Dub
i support local and state and federal government’s power to safeguard the public.
i wonder is it getting to a point where we will be told we can’t go out anymore, can’t use your phone or computer anymore because of the viruses that we can get, etc.
are we prolonging this virus at all ?
No, I don't see any real government "trampling" on my rights. If I got COVID-19, I would directly or indirectly accept whatever help I could get from the government, medically or financially.
If people think that the government is trampling on their rights, just have a program whereby you sign a document (like the blood thing we have) and specify that you do not want treatment, that you do not want help. You get the disease, deal with it yourself.
South Korea just implemented a program in which if you are caught in a group, you get arrested and an ankle bracelet type of thing is put on your wrist so you can be tracked. That may not work here in the US with the number of inter-bred square-headed people we have here but it would certainly make you think twice about being in a group.
Rub a Dub
we are all very much aware of watchtology’s duplicity of teaching, the blood doctrine being the most predominant piece of hypocritical bullshight in human history.
but perhaps now we shall see their hypocrisy in a whole new light.. the red cross is putting out the call.. patients.
plasma donations from recovered covid-19 patients.
If it became extremely serious and affecting more brothers, there would be Noo Light about giving or receiving plasma. It could be presented that the plasma is further broken down into the elements they need to use to infuse into people, so technically it is not a complete fraction.
Noo Light has found its way into the acceptance of vaccinations, organ transplants, etc. What was one day a DF offense is then a conscience matter. That's all. If needed, they can put on their dancing shoes and the rest will follow.
Rub a Dub
am i missing something here ?
how is it that where this covid 19 started , in wuhan china, china has only ,reportedly 83,000 for the whole country ?
whereas in the united states of america the figure is just under 400,000 ?.
Chinese people were removed from a bio-lab months before this, and went to Wuhan
Maybe they were performing medical experiments on bats like they were doing in China.
Perhaps they had to remove the Chinese workers since they were eating the bats before they got the results from the tests.
Rub a Dub
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
RE: New York vs. California ....
More densely packed population? Less public transit and transit being cleaned more often?
Those are two of the most significant in my mind. First of all when you are in NY, just to get to the sidewalk you are likely touching knobs, stairways rails, elevator buttons and the like. Not to mention people crammed in elevators breathing on each other. Then go through the process to get on a subway. Stairway rails, ticket machines, putting you plastic ticket through a machine that has had thousands of others in it that day and then get it back and put it in your wallet. Railings, then the door opens on the subway and you grab a handle to get in sit down or stand up with people breathing on you. Have to switch trains?, then repeat the process within the subway station. When you finally arrive at your destination, repeat the entrance process in reverse.
In Cali, you walk out to your car and drive to where you are going. That's pretty much it for most people.
Even in food stores, if you have ever been in the City, you know that they are typically VERY "condensed" if that is the right word. There is a chain of markets in the City called Key Food. They are spread all over the city. They are neighborhood food markets which many of us would consider the size of a postage stamp. Perhaps the size or two 7-11's put together or something like that. Yet they have a deli, hot foods, a salad bar and most things that larger stores have, but just in a very small footprint. And guess what, the aisles are so narrow that it is difficult at times for two people to easily pass each other. So again, more close contact.
In Cali, you drive to the big food stores (like Von's, Safeway, etc.) and the aisles are wide and you can much easier avoid getting close to anyone. When you are done, get back in your car and drive home.
So I think think there is no comparison between New York and California. One is just spread out, the other is just so condensed.
Rub a Dub
i'm in the uk, and most days over the last 2 weeks i've watched the 5pm uk government update on the corona virus situation which includes questions from the media.
generally speaking i've found the whole update, including the questions and answers, to be respectful, informative and non combative, with, to the best of my recollection, very little mention of politics and blame.
certainly no political point scoring.
As an observer, for most US citizens, any elected President is worshipped like a God at that given time.
Listener ,,,
Yes, keen observation. There has definitely been a move towards Satanism in recent years.
Rub a Dub
if anyone voices an opinion with which i disagree or even detest, i can either debate it or walk away.. the last thing i want is for someone to be silenced by threats.
however, it appears that some opinions on social media etc.
which contradict the official narrative are being muted.
I think the travel industries (hotels, airlines, car rentals, etc) will permanently be affected. I see restaurants bouncing back but it will be months if not a year or more to get back close the previous levels. And that assumes the virus is gone, not just down to lower levels. If there are ANY new levels of infections, don't expect people to crowd together in restaurants.
Also, I see a plummet in the cost of office space since many employers will realize that they can function just as well with a lot of the back-office people working from home. Why have a large building with offices and cubicle space that you are paying a fixed monthly amount for even when people are not even working (vacations, weekends, etc.). Invest in a smaller, higher class location if visibility is a requirement and still save a lot of money.
The upside would be IT and Audio-Visual specialists. If a person has some experience in those areas, I bet you will have more work than you could handle in the upcoming years in setting up conference rooms and offices with cameras, microphones, software, electronic whiteboards and other peripheral equipment to make the stay-at-home experience as close as possible to being in the office. And then another revenue stream in training the personnel who will be using it (or service contracts to provide on-going support).
I'm thinking about this myself the more I am thinking about it.
Rub a Dub