If it works like that, I can set up some robo calls, have a few brothers in the room, and in less than an hour we could pioneer for the month while having a few brews. I could even wear a tie to make it "official."
I like the concept.
a friend of ours who is married to a jw said that this morning for service everyone who was on zoom got to do a call while the rest listened in on the call.
there were thirty-one this morning listening in on one who would call someone to preach to.
shouldn't the person they are calling on be warned first that there will be so many listening in on their phone call from the zoom meeting.
If it works like that, I can set up some robo calls, have a few brothers in the room, and in less than an hour we could pioneer for the month while having a few brews. I could even wear a tie to make it "official."
I like the concept.
my great granddad met abraham lincoln when he was a boy.
when i was a kid i met him, he was 100+.
so according to the generation teaching i knew lincoln.
Yes, I have thought the same thing. I am the generation that saw the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln was of the generation that saw a man on the moon.
Yea. I get it ... lol.
i am pimo, but now have 40+ years of being a jw as i was raised in a 3rd generation family of witnesses and continue to fake my way through things - fading as i can.. for the vast majority of my time as a jw, the meetings were the central focus for all jws to get teaching, association, information and so on.
nothing was more important than being at the meetings!
over the last 20 years starting with the elimination of the weekly book study in homes and continuing down to today - my opinion is that the value/purpose of the weekly meetings continues to be diluted or minimized.
As long as people keep calling the flashing 800 number at the bottom of the screen, entering the promo code and donating, there will be no problem in Borgland.
as a young person who hasn't had lots of experience in the dating game, what would ex jws recommend with all these severed relationship ties from family.
what are the do's and dont's.
Be yourself and be safe (carry and insist on using protection), get tested.
Anoyn Mous ...
Excellent point. My wife and I agree, maybe disagree, but in the end agree.
Protection is important. Rub a Dub (ver. 2.2 beta) agrees that protection is important.
It would not be fun to get "the drip" and have to go to the doctor for a shot of penicillin with this COVID-19 thing all around. Better to be safe than sorry.
brothers and sisters associated with the watchtower society may 9, 2020. i have tried to inform you of the necessary adjustments you ought to take in order to truly be in the truth.
but my efforts have remained fruitless.
you well know the biblical procedure.
If I may ask, what brand of weed do you recommend, or is it more of a homegrown thing?
No opinion, just asking.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.1 beta)
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Found these stats interesting from NY. Somehow most new cases are people that were actually sheltering at home.
dubstepped ...
Maybe it's like once being a virgin. It doesn't make any difference if you later get "affected" if you are in your house or somewhere else.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.1 beta)
if you want to share a conspiracy video that is going to be removed by youtube, maybe sharing a link to a copy that is hosted on youtube isn't the best plan.. who knew?!.
social media is no longer the platform to use for controversial, alternative or "wrong think" opinions.. host it if you feel strongly about it, but don't keep posting "this video has been removed" links, it's a waste of everyone's time..
I've been to Roswell New Mexico. Actually there on business twice.
They have pictures of the aliens all over the place. A huge alien on the K-Mart in town.
I agree with all, whatever anyone says. I agree.
We are the world, we are the children.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.1 beta)
i have known many elders who were much more into the idea of being an elder and getting all the old ladies to tell them what wonderful talks they give and the power then really being a believer.
i had one elder tell me that when he became an elder he was on top dog on top of the heap.
i knew some who were really all about the religion and following the cult.
Not my first rodeo, but I would put elders into four categories:
On average,
1) - 20% are, as mentioned, in it for the glory. They love to have people look up to them (especially older sisters). If they were in a different religion, they would be in similar positions regardless of what the teachings were.
2) - 20% are there because the have put in the time, really don't care, but the CO has asked the elders enough times why brother Slow does not qualify since he has put in 10 hours a month in field service for the past 10 years and is a nice brother.
3) - 30% are nice, loving, caring, but really don't have the skills to be in leadership positions. They do as they are told, follow the rules, etc. Typically, they have other family members who are elders and they get the position by attrition.
4) - 30% really care. The title is not the important thing. They like the attention but that is not the driving factor. They just use it to do what they feel is best. They are sincere.
Having had both a grandfather and father as "servants" or later elders, I can't tell you how many nights I would overhear my father talking to some other elders locally or in near-by congregations late into the night when there was some problem or issue. I must admit, he was very intelligent but never played that card to intimidate others. I would put him into the category 4 above.
As least this was the way it was over the years. It seemed like every nearby congregations had a similar cast of characters. Just the names were changed.
Rub a Dub
some towns in massachusetts are fining people 1000 dollars for not wearing a mask 😷 outdoors.
starting wednesday, the governor mandates everyone from 2 years of age up, must wear a mask or get a 300 dollar fine!.
of course some governors are recommending that you rat out anyone that doesn’t follow their orders.. i don’t like it!👎🏿.
to make sure that I am not endangered is for you and everyone else to stay inside their homes, period. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
Min ...
I think the point on several posts was not about getting the virus. Putting oneself at risk is fine. The point was if you choose to expose yourself to the virus and you get it, that's OK. Then just stay away from others. People should then just stay away from hospitals, quarantine themselves with a Shop-Vac and not put others at risk.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.1 beta)
some towns in massachusetts are fining people 1000 dollars for not wearing a mask 😷 outdoors.
starting wednesday, the governor mandates everyone from 2 years of age up, must wear a mask or get a 300 dollar fine!.
of course some governors are recommending that you rat out anyone that doesn’t follow their orders.. i don’t like it!👎🏿.
Your rights stop at the point where you start endangering the rights of others.
Unclefester ...
I could not agree more. This virus is not the typical type of ailment that normally has the most impact on the individual person.
Smoke, do meth, eat fried food every day, drink a bottle of bourbon every night, whatever. Those things will not generally endanger others, only yourself (yes, family can be affected but that is another issue).
But stupidly getting affected with COVID-19 and then going into a hospital and putting everyone in the building at risk is, IMO, criminal. If a person wants to take chances, great. Just stay at home when you get sick. Don't put the lives of people working at a hospital at risk with children at home and cleaning your bedpan making $15 an hour.
Get a Shop-Vac, go into your bedroom and use the exhaust port as your own ventilator. You'll have plenty of time to enjoy the experience while gasping for air.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.1 beta)