I'm just saying that I will not go to the hospital if I get the virus and possibly infect others.
If I put myself in danger, I am agreeing not to expect treatment.
JW's do it all the time with the blood issue.
Rub a Dub
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
I'm just saying that I will not go to the hospital if I get the virus and possibly infect others.
If I put myself in danger, I am agreeing not to expect treatment.
JW's do it all the time with the blood issue.
Rub a Dub
people want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means).
even trump is encouraging protesters in 3 states.. but with the covid-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle.
in general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk.
People want to get back to work, back to "normal" in many cases (whatever normal now means). Even Trump is encouraging protesters in 3 States.
But with the COVID-19 thing, this is not just a matter of a person taking a risk, as a person may do who smokes, takes illegal drugs or in other ways lives an unhealthy lifestyle. In general, most (not all, since cost of insurance and public hospitals may be involved), but generally you are not putting the lives of others at risk. This includes first responders, hospital workers, nurses, doctors, etc. Every day we see that some of these people get seriously ill or die, leaving families behind.
So would it work if people who want to take risks to just sign a legal document that they will refuse medical treatment if infected? JW's sign the blood documents refusing that treatment. Open the bars, nightclubs, restaurants, gyms, whatever. Just sign a medical waiver and take your chances. Just don't put others at risk.
Rub a Dub
some towns require everyone going outside to wear one.
one massachusetts city requires anyone from 5 up to wear a mask.
some cities require masks and have shut down parks and sports playing while others in a nearby town have no such restrictions.
I have no problem with it. Cities usually require citizens to wear pants when outside. If it helps to protect others, then I see no issue with it.
Rub a Dub
I'm still in ... ripening like a fine wine (or a warm bottle of Carlo Rossi). Take your pick.
Rub a Dub
this has been a horrible month.
my best friend’s wife just called to tell me that my friend had to be hospitalized due to severe coronavirus complications.
he has severe pneumonia, is put on a ventilator and is in a coma .
Horrible Min ... horrible.
At least if he is breathing better there is more hope.
Still very hard to hear this.
Rub a Dub
there is an allegation floating around saying he assaulted one of his female staffers .
most mainstream media do not report on this claim.
they either don’t believe it or don’t want to believe it.. funny how if it were brett kavanaugh or donald trump, they would be all over it.
Let Biden RIP.
There is no need to add another nail in the coffin.
Rub a Dub
let's count the ways the wts.
has been scamming the rank and file jws, over the years.
i'll start .
Hotpepper, I somehow doubt those numbers. It would be interesting to actually see actual costs involved but $.03-.05 cents seems very low to me, unless you are only including the direct costs.
They did use good quality paper, color inks and generally produced a good product for what it was designed to do.
There are so many other costs involved in producing these type of products. Freight, trucking, maintenance on trucks, fuel, insurance, amortized costs of machinery, maintenance, training, and the list goes on and on. Add to that the preparation costs, design, proof-reading, translation, and the costs are a lot more than what we may think. And that doesn't factor in all the stuff they printed for "free" that didn't have a price tag; KM's, tracts, assembly badges, assembly programs, memorial invitations, plus a lot of other stuff that does not immediately come to mind. Yes, a lot of the work is/was done by "volunteers" but in-house volunteers still have a cost attached (food, health care, personal services, maintenance on living facilities, etc.)
If printing stuff was really a money-making operation, the Society would figure out a way to still do it.
Rub a Dub
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
One tip: if a model shows a symmetrical curve then it's too simplistic and wrong - a realistic model would show a sharper growth and slower decline after it's leveled off.
Simon ...
Agreed. But as I see it, the entire sampling process is at best questionable, or more realistically, unreliable.
Since statistically taking an entire population is not possible, a sample is the only realistic method to do it. However, we are not taking a random sample to arrive at a mean since there are restrictions on who is getting tested and who is not. IMO, you would likely need to take the samples on a case by case basis and then somehow find some correlation between the various elements.
If you lower the testing rates and less people are positive, how do we interpret that?
If you increase the testing rates and more people are positive, how do we interpret that?
It feels like the more I think I know the less I actually know.
Rub a Dub
since this virus, i have noticed that nearly all of the take out joints in my area are closed.
I'm partial to General Tsao's Bat or the Sweet and Sour Bat in my local restaurant.
Rub a Dub
since this virus, i have noticed that nearly all of the take out joints in my area are closed.
On the other hand I will go out my way in future never to buy goods made in China.
cofty ...
Here in the US, if you don't want to buy Chinese, I'm not sure what you would buy. If it has a power cord, is made out of plastic or sold at a big box store, it is probably made in China.
Even US flags were made in China.
Rub a Dub