JoinedTopics Started by Naddia_the_Godless
Should conscientious objectors to gay marriage be allowed?
by rebel8 inprevious, related thread: ny catholic church on new gay marriage law.
gay marriage is finally legal in my state.
let the next wave of ignorance begin!.
What is Your Experience with Non-Christian Religions and Philosophy ONLY?
by MrDarkKnight ini have been slow to start a thread because i wanted to see what topics were already being discussed.
having left wt i have a disdain for organized christian religion at the moment.
i am interested in your experience, research or observations about non-christian religions and philosophy only.
what religion are you now?
by deservingone26 inits been a while since ive been on how is everyone doing?
but just curious after you left jehovahs witnesses did you look into other religions?
or are any of you currently involved in any other religions now?.
"Philosophy is disfunctional" - Hallq
by bohm inphilosophy is disfunctional.
im now convinced that, as an academic discipline, philosophy is dysfunctional.
Moral Rigidity vs Ethical Rigidity
by sabastious inrecently i have been pondering about the witnesses self proclaimed "moral superiority" to the outside world.
how can one person's chosen moral be superior to another person's chosen moral?
to quantify the difference betwen morals is to test their percieved benefits, and detriments, in the societies that accept them.
A riddle ....for you smart bastards!
by gumby inthree men checked into a hotel room for which they paid $30.
the next day, the manager realized that the men had been overcharged.
she gave the bellhop $5 to return to the three men.
Sharon Roe to be df'd tonight.
by avishai inonce again, the jw's are trying to silence someone that is so hurt it is almost beyond imagination.
sharon roe, sister in law of robert bryant is being df'd by the wts to keep her quiet about how they drove her brother in law to the brink of despair & beyond, by constantly hounding him & supporting his parents in their battle to undermine his headship as a parent by trying to get visitation and/or custody of his children.
they knew he was severely depressed & yet continued to harass this man, to the point where something so horrible, so unspeakable happened.
Logansrun.....has arrived
by logansrun ini just thought i would post a little about myself here, even though some of you might know me from the "beyond jehovah's witnesses" forum.
my name is bradley and i live in a suburb of chicago illinois.
i'm currently twenty six years old and left the jws about nine months ago after a year and a half of intense doubts, many hundreds of hours of research, cognitive dissonance and bouts of vomitting (stressful, eh?).