In other words, why do you believe in God/Jesus/Bible?
I guess it's just a matter of faith. I've tried not to believe, but I just can't. Also, I feel I have felt Jehovah's hand in my life, at least before I became a smoking fornicator. LOL
someone posted on another thread a comment that i found interesting.
something like once you find out the truth about the 'truth' its impossible to stop there and not question everything as far as religion and the existance of god.
i'm sure most of us that were raised in the watchterror org and have found out that we were decieved our whole lives have examined this subject at some point.
In other words, why do you believe in God/Jesus/Bible?
I guess it's just a matter of faith. I've tried not to believe, but I just can't. Also, I feel I have felt Jehovah's hand in my life, at least before I became a smoking fornicator. LOL
...i have my first comedy performance saturday, and i'm 15 pounds overweight.
i don't care that i'm still (albeit barely) in the acceptable weight range for my age/height (47/5'1"); i want to be thin again.
short of not eating for a week, does anyone have any suggestions?
THANKS to all of you wonderful persons.
I am using my weight in my routine; after I tell about my psych hospital stays (The things I will mention actually happened, like the guy who said, : "The plate the aliens put in my head is killing me". And another patient said, "You too?" The first patient was serious, the second one was teasing the first, but I'm not going to say that. )
Anyway, I get out of the hospi tal and my psychiatrist tells me I have to go on meds, and I have a choice between the one that will make me fat but not impair my sex drive and the one which doesn't put on weight, but is anoragasmic. I ask him which ones he has samples of and....
Great. I'm going to be a 400 pound nymphomaniac."
That's not the way I'm going to say it or the words I'll use, just an overview of how I'm going to work in my big butt and hips. I look so silly...the top half of me looks like a starved Irish waif and the bottom half looks like an Italian opera singer....(No, I'm not using that, that's just my observation for all of you).
Well, the weight gain stuff works pretty well in the context of what comes next. Not so funny to me anymore but my classmates like it....
what i did was tell my wifes story on the site, not only did they delete the post but also kicked me out.
so now i am df from the site, they are so loving.
satan a bad rap
lol...this is true...
what i did was tell my wifes story on the site, not only did they delete the post but also kicked me out.
so now i am df from the site, they are so loving.
The more I think about this, the angrier I become.
This woman is, at best, a simplistically uncaring moron and, at worst, a cruel and evil *itch who chose to inflict additional suffering on an innocent survivor and her family.
Read between the lines. This is, to me, what she is really saying.
Yeah, go on, put it past you, Satan did it, much the way he's misleading YOU, dear brother. And you are obviously one of his minions. Turning away persons from the true god, as you are attempting to do with your outrageously uncaring post designed to upset others needlessly, is MUCH MUCH worse than childhood sexual abuse, and I am outraged that you would come here, post such an insensitive, self-indulgent post about something you should have gotten over a long time ago. You're OUTTA HERE! We have a spiritual paradise going here, and we don't need the likes of you.
Where is that forum? I'm gonna go kick some ass...just gotta figure out a way to address this without looking obvious.
i was looking at a pro jw site and i couldn't believe what i stumbled upon.
someone with a really good sense of humor posted a story about his take on day one after armageddon.
it goes to show the egocentricity of the jw's.
kindness and concern for the least ones
Mr. and Mrs. Shakita,
Always so grateful for your input.
Now, if memory serves me correctly, did the WTS say that the "least ones" were the annointed? And go on to say that since most of us will never come across such a person, it is our "helping" them by going out in service that is the act of kindness to which Jesus was referring?
do you think that the governments of the would are about to intervene in religions worldwide?
since religions are the source of trouble around the globe, do you think we are about to see something happen really soon?
Do you think that the governments of the would are about to intervene in religions worldwide? Since religions are the source of trouble around the globe, do you think we are about to see something happen really soon
This is difficult to answer, since I have been brainwashed by the WTS. Still not thinking clearly, and I can see it's going to take a long time...
However, a lot of persons are very upset with religious zealots who resort to vicious attacks on others, particularly the fundamentalist Muslims who are pro-actively hateful and violent toward other religions, and the Jewish persons who do the same. Others see Christianity as a force no less evil although, perhaps, a bit more subtle in its "approach".
It remains to be seen whether or not people will get tired and upset enough by this to take any kind of action against all religions. I don't myself see this as happening any time soon, but then again, I never thought an American president would have the audacity to term Sadam Hussein and his co-horts "The Axis of Evil" (the axis of evil? What the hell is that?) and go on to launch an attack which negatively (to say the very least) impacts persons who are unfortunate enough to live under this man's regime.
so my mum is about ready to leave the witnesses.
i hesitate a bit to write it down like that, just in case i might be cheering too soon, but i do believe it is the case...
yesterday i took a ride with my mum in her car, and the new yearbook of the jw was on the backseat.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but this does sounds like she's way on her way out, isn't it?Yes, it does. I'm happy for you both. And by the way, you both sound like a lot of fun, and hats off to her for never shunning you!
under the big bright yellow sun.
under the big bright yellow sun.
under the big bright yellow sun.
Wow. Wish I'd written that.
...i have my first comedy performance saturday, and i'm 15 pounds overweight.
i don't care that i'm still (albeit barely) in the acceptable weight range for my age/height (47/5'1"); i want to be thin again.
short of not eating for a week, does anyone have any suggestions?
...I have my first comedy performance Saturday, and I'm 15 pounds overweight. I don't care that I'm still (albeit barely) in the acceptable weight range for my age/height (47/5'1"); I want to be thin again.
Short of not eating for a week, does anyone have any suggestions? Does anyone else worry about her or his weight? And what do you do when you want to lose a quick ten pounds (if that's even possible).
Sorry to take up space for such a non-issue, but it matters to me.
My partner tells me I look fine but he's very biased.
Oh, yes, I'm "coming out". My name is really Rosemarie
hi,everyone.i'm just here writing this because i need to vent a bit about this,as well i'm a little worried too.. all my life i have had problems with my kidneys.last week i had an ultrasound and it has shown my right kidneys is failing or not functioning fully.good news is my left one is ok so far...good thing all we need is one.. another my of my veins,is swollen.does anyone know what causes that?
?my doctor couldn't or wouldn't tell me what that is.i have to get an other aultra sound in july to see if it is gone or worse.
well ,she is sending me to a specialist to do further tests.
What an experience that must have been, but you seem to be taking it SO well. Accolades to you for your positive attitude.
I don't know anything about the liver at all...sorry I can't help there.
Do take care of yourself and if you ever need to talk, email me at [email protected]