I hope that this post is not to far off topic. A fellow fader in my area and I have been wondering about the new FDS belief, the mediator belief, etc. The common thought here is that is that it is a power grab, will alienate any who have it brought to their attention, that it will lead to an exodus etc. I can see that point of veiw.
I wonder whether this conclusion is reached because it comes from the premise that the GB is trying to keep their grip on power, bad motives, wicked mind control cult and so on.
So together we tried to approach it from the other angle. What if the GB are trying to move doctrine to a more mainstream Christian view one that could easily be accepted by Christians of any other church?
The argument goes that the GB saw the increase in emblem partakers (particularly newer recruits that feel anointed because of their previous religious experiences) and realised that should the numbers keep growing they might face a forced change of doctrine (mediator/anointed) by sheer weight of numbers (thanks to the old doctrine that all anointed on earth are the FDS). So they consolidated power so that they could control the rate of change and so they didn't face a really damaging split.
They would still have to make doctrine change though. But it could actually have a big upside.
It is pretty clear that the mediator doctrine leaves a lot of people out in the cold. So the GB say that all witnesses are anointed. That fills a very big hole for christians (from what I've read on here and elsewhere) But if they change it, they need to change the 144,000 doctrine. No big deal, they could easily change the literal to figurative. Great crowd, they could say that the scripture says they are in heaven........and so on and so forth.
When it is all said and done (maybe over a 5-7 year period?) you might be left with a religion that says all JW are anointed, with Christ as their personal mediator, no class distinctions but that God will make all things better (heaven or earth, almost irrelevant). They stick to no Trinity, no hell, stake not cross, no celebrations to provide the points of difference. High moral code to appeal to the judgmental :). Preaching work, love, unity etc as proof that they are the one true org. Move attention away from a definite end date/period. 1914/19 simply marks the beginning of Christ presence with overlapping generations, Big A at any time helping to keep people on their toes. These changes make them almost mainstream, will have enormous appeal to other Christians who may be dissatisfied, dissaffected with their current church.
If the above senario took place, then the org could potentially have a massive explosion in numbers. Any thoughts?
Note - I don't care either way, I'm just trying to challenge assumptions and look at things from different angles.
PPS: My sincere apologies if this is too far off topic.