best Special Talk I ever went to was back in 96 in Brattleboro VT when two sisters got in a rumble about a baby shower invite and the elders watched gape mouthed as one single sister beat the hell out of a poor little mousy married one. Sisters were grabbing the kids and covering their eyes! Every one stood there frozen in disbelief as the aggressive sister punched the other one in the face up against a wall and screamed obscenities until another sister, with some heft to her, took them both down in a tackle that would have made even her native Scotland proud to have her on their team! I was so ashamed. Private reproof was all that concluded the matter which was very very public(Special Talk in front of all the 'newly interested ones')! It was so beyond the last straw for me that I was just in shock for weeks. Ha! No one would go into the Ladie's Room alone with that sister!