Dear Tammy,
If it does not feel right to you, then maybe you need to take a break. I was also a member of an Exit-Fundyism group on yahoo and there was just as much contention and flaming. In fact i quit that group after the war started becoz I was tired of that being the only subject. I am on other groups with other themes and there are not as many flames and petty maliciousness. But you have to remember the source and the fact that we all came from a much worse place. The KHs I have been in would have treated you much worse than people on this board treat you--only difference is the KHs tell you it is 'agape' and use it as an excuse to control and get in your business. On a discussion board it is up to you how much you share--big responsibility for a bunch of people who were told how to dress and cut their hair just a little while ago! You don't have to read every thread and you certainly do not have to respond or argue back. It is amazing how fast you can kill a thread by telling someone that you have nothing to 'prove' to them and don't care what they think or do!
The internet has changed my life. made me a different person thru education. I met my husband online.
but a JWD-fast may be in order. we all take breaks from time to time. just hang the do not disturb sign on your door and let us know you are ok and will be back later. You can't go backwards tho--and once you have been here(the Internet and JWD) it is only forward from now on. Kinda like Windows XP....