JoinedTopics Started by SwedishChef
Christ and the Levitical Feasts
by SwedishChef inin the work and person of christ there is a fulfillment of the levitical feasts.. .
the feast: (lev 23).
1 passover (april).
Was Peter a Pope?
by SwedishChef inthe entire concept of the papacy is of pagan origin.
the title pope, or universal bishop, was first given to the bishop of rome by the wicked emperor phocas in the year 610.. catholic doctrine states that peter was the first pope, suggesting that matthew 16:15-19 is in reference to the papacy.
however, such a concept is ludicrous and should be regarded as such.. .
Jesus died on a stake?
by SwedishChef inyou've got to love the watchtower.
they must think that the general population has no bible available to it.
while scrolling through a list of their beliefs on the official site, there was one that really caught my eye because of its sheer ludicrousness.
The Book of Daniel
by SwedishChef inthe following was written by professor johseph d. wilson, d. d., and is about the prophecies and criticism of the book of daniel.
it was published in the four volume book series called "the fundamentals.".
modern objections to the book of daniel were started by german scholars who were prejudiced against the supernatural.
How do I know the Bible is True?
by SwedishChef inhow do i know the bible is true?
by thomas schaff.
external evidence.
Satan Claus
by SwedishChef insanta claus takes the place of god in the holidays.
similarities between santa and god:.
quality of santa claus #1:.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
by SwedishChef inby jonathan edwards.
deuteronomy 32:35.
"their foot shall slide in due time.".
I know the Bible is True
by SwedishChef ini know the bible is true because.... * it is infallible.
there is not one contradiction with these pages.
humans are fallible; the bible is not.. * the word of god is the source of true wisdom.
5 Worst things About JWs
by SwedishChef in1. it's a big surprise if they give you a direct answer.. 2. if you corner them they will resort to one of three things: 1) say the scripture is a bad translation (of course the verses they quote are always perfect translations); 2) they change the subject; 3) they start playing word games with you.. 3. many of them view traditions and other writings by famous jws as having more authority than the word of god.. 4. their doctrine completely conflicts with bible doctrine.. 5. the watchtower is their head (athough the bible says christ is the head of the church)
Jesus is God
by SwedishChef inhere is a large collection of verses which prove the deity of christ:.
isaiah 6-7 6. for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counseller, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.
7. of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of david, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.