Touch'e Simon!!!!
JoinedPosts by FlowerPower
attention apostasy sucks.
by MOLHIE-NIGG inoh after my last posts i had great fun reading the response's that were posted.
i am just trying to figure out what is wrong with you people, your'e response's are predictable and indeed amusing in many cases.
the first hint a someone defending and apparently being a jw and the 3 camps come out of the woodwork with their charm and tact to help a the poor jw realize the truth for what it is.
What does it take to live forever?
by JH in.
as a jw, we were told that we had to be saved in order to live eternally.
do you still hope to live eternally, or did this dream fade away?
You do know that the "new system" has been cancelled as of 1996, don't you? Remember that the (Aug.1, I believe) WT stated that there is a new understanding for the word "generation". It no longer means the people who were of "knowing" age who were alive in 1914. It now refers to any contemporary group of people at any given time! No time frame has been given since then but wait, there will be another time to shoot for soon, the proverbial carrot left dangling before their noses just to keep them coming back.
Did The Elders Seem Eager To Disfellowship You?
by minimus indid you ever feel that the elders just wanted you out?
in your experiences with the elders, did you feel "love" displayed at the judicial meeting, or did you sense that you were dealing with, the star of dragnet,"just the facts, please."?
in all the years that i was an elder, i think i only wanted to disfellowship a person once.
They hunted me down like a dog! I had left the area, I had no contact with anyone in the congregation at all. I wrote a letter saying that I had to leave for personal reasons (I had been depressed and suicidal and I sought help through psychotherapy which they discouraged) I told them that I was doing nothing wrong that I just was no laonger happy as a witness. They called my house, they came univinted, to see what I was "up" to. After a year they called to invite me to a JC, I told them that I had nothing to discuss, about a week later they called on the phone and told me of their decision to df me in absentia, I appealed because I felt I was doing nothing wrong that could warrant dfing and met before a group of 7 men! Three from my congregation and four outsiders who I was aquainted with but they did'nt know me at all. I told them at that meeting that I had come to the realization that I was gay and that I had decided to leave because I knew that I would not be tolerated among them. They read the letter at the Tuesday night meeting a week later. I found out later that they had pulled my minor child (who still attended meetings with his older brother) aside and told him to watch me closely, to spy on me and repoert to them any wrong doing on my part! He was 13! He never did report anything as there was nothing to report! They never offered any counsel to me accept that if I did stay in the congregation that I would forever have to live alone. I would never be able to share an apartment with another woman because of my "inclinations!" I am very bitter as you can tell, I had served in the cong. for 15 years, 10 of them as a pioneer and they completely cut me off when I no longer could serve their purpose! I am in a loving, committed relationship with another exjw, we've never been happier to be able to express who we are and not be made to feel ashamed!!!
My Story
by mattnoel inok so chevy asked me to put my story on here, a lot of you will probably find it boring but will post it anyway.
am now 24 and live in kent, england with my boyfriend dean, we are really happy together in fact i have never been so happy and we plan to marry later on this year.
i was brought up a jw from a baby by my mother, my father was never really bothered about it all and my mum fell away, divorced him and married another guy and then went back to the witnesses, he was not a witness and they met at my mums place of work, she was a dj for a local radio station and he was a chauffeur.
Hey Matt, Good to hear your story...and we're family too! My partner (also and exjw) and I fell in love while we were "in" and waited,(chastely) for fifteen years before we finally had the courage to make a stand and leave the org. We were both dfed about a year later, but we are so happy now and can't imagine being bound any longer by that homophobic cult! Flower
Funny people in your Congregation
by mattnoel inok so who has got stories about funny people in your cong,.
we had one guy who used to recite really long prayers, you would see people shifting from foot to foot as he recited extracts from the lords prayer in with his, he used to knock on doors and when they didnt answer shout through the letter box saying "i know your home" if they did actually come he would keep them talking for ages even after they said they werent interested.
he even wrote to tony blair and told him how he would die at armageddon, the society recieved a letter of complaint and he got banned from pioneering.
I used to go out in service with this old german sister who hated the fact that we had changed our policy from donation arrangement to the magazines are "offered free of charge" She could'nt stand the idea of giving the magazines away, so everytime someone said they didn't have any money( which meant they were'nt intersted, but she did'nt get that!) she would say "well could you give me two postage stamps or a few oranges, or a bar of soap!!! I was mortified. She was so cheap! There was a brother once who was in charge of passing the emblems at the memorial, he passed it to someones worldly sister who had been invited but obviously not instructed about the partaking policy, well when she got that bread in her hot little hands she took a big bite! I thought that brother was going to have a coronary!!! It was so funny, when telling me the story he finished by saying," She had on a the biggest Easter Bonnet that I've ever seen, and you know what?...she was wine drinker too!!!" Some of the sister's in out car group used to fight over who went to the door first so that they could start their time...I'm sorry but when I got out in the territory my time was started! With eight sisters in a van you could waste an hour and a half doing it that way! Real sticklers they were! I could go on and on...actually it is kind of good to think of some funny times instead of all the pain that I experienced when I was in!!
by mattnoel incan anyone tell me what was wrong with the smurfs ?.
i heard some horrible rumours about them as a kid, something about some kid taking a smurf to the kingdom hall, it making a whole lotta noise and then trotting off up the aisle until some burley elder threw it out the back !.
while we are on this point anyone ever have things taken away from them for being demonic etc
I never knew a group more parnoid than the JW's. One brother told me that my kids should'nt watch any cartoons involving animals that could talk, because that's what satan did with the serpant. There was a ban on unicorns for having magical powers, I knew one family that would'nt allow their kids to watch the Flintstones because Wilma did not show submission to Fred! Denim skirts were said to be too informal for the meetings, it wasn't roght to take off your suit jacket our in field service not matter how hot it got! Angels, or pictures of angels were forbidden. The reading of fortune cookies tabooed, I once started reading a portion of the paper that had the astrology in it as a joke once and got called into the library for it. Oh man I could go on and on with the restictions and taboo subjects that the society burdened us with, enough to make anyone sick!
Witnessing in extreme conditions
by undercover ini talked to a jw friend in another city yesterday who told me of an ice storm that hit where he lived.
he told me that 70% of the city where he lived was without power friday.
there were tons of trees down in the area including some in his yard.
I live in New England and the meetings were often cancelled. Boy was that great news!! Out in field service we used to do the "pioneer shuffle" at the door, (often going out in below 0 weather, gotta get your 100 hrs a month!) As you introduce yourself when the householder answers the door you begin to wipe your feet on the mat like you're anticipating stepping in, it was a tactic recommended in pioneer school, a very psychological move...lo and behold more often than not we were inside the doorway before the householder knew what happened! Flower
Have any JWs ever been on this site for a serious religious debate?
by amiable inhave there been any takers or requesters of such a thing?
are there other sites where this has happened?
Great arguments Stinkypantz, and right from the horse's mouth, their own publications, especially those taken from the WT magazine, their main source for expounding "new light". Am anxious to see what Molhie has to say in rebuttal, to be fair I will not add any thing more(youv'e said a mouthful) and see if Molhie is able to refute what has clearly been printed by the WTBS. Flower
Opaque!...exjw reflection on mental battle of leaving WT
by Brummie insometimes i see a shaded screen .
playing in the darkness .
toying with my mind.
Great Poem Brummie, Try as I might have never been able to capture those feelings, though they scream at me continuously, you've got it going on there girl!! Nice job! Flower
This board like a headache
by Bhagavad inthis board has become very painful.
i've given it many chances.
so many posters do not know what the apostrophe is for or is not for.
Oops!! Try as I might I still made some grammatical and typo errors, oh well I'm still here!!!