Thank you for your kind words and support. Husband at work so I am 'safe' to post.
I have been thinking a lot about what you all said - I don't want to change my screen name just to please some people.
My 'friend' has been having doubts about the society for some time. Her husband and two teenage sons are not JWs, so she is lucky in a way. We have looked at this board together over the past couple of months and it was only last weekend I told her I was rebel. She said she mentioned it to my husband because she felt guilty knowing and thought he ought to know.
Hubby looked at the board (for all of 2 seconds) - and said I was the lowest of the low IF I carried on posting. Well, I am going to carry on. I don't think I have done anything wrong. He hasn't turned me in to the elders, although if he ever does, I don't really care. Sarah ('friend') may well inform on me - I don't know yet. But I am sick of living my life in fear of what other peole think. I hate this control and I am damned if I am going to let this organisation have any more control over me.
Sarah is pretty weak and I think she has the hots for my hubby (I have many reasons to believe this). Well, to be honest, although this may have bothered me some years back, now I just feel sorry for her. She wants out of the organisation but doesn't have the guts to do anything about it - another victim of the cult.
My husband isn't all bad - he is just so 'in' the 'troof' that he cannot see the wood for the trees. I hope I can make him see that this is not the one and only God-chosen organisation, but deep down, I doubt it.
I love each and every one of you for giving me the love and support that was always missing in all my years as a JW. You are such a fantastic bunch of people and, although I only know you via this board, you mean more to me than I can say.
Much Love