A few comments on this thread:
First, if people are willing to call in to her show to get advice, so be it. In the end, it's the numbers that count (for her and the network). If she has the ratings, she should stay on. I think the same is true with Howard Stern, whom I'm a big fan of.
Second: I agree that her personal life has little, if anything, to do with her professional life. Theoretically, a person who gives great advice on family matters could be a total louse in their own home. Does that diminish their advice? In reality, no (although this might affect her credibility). I really have no opinion about her personal life.
Herk: I find your rants against "liberals" to be perplexing. Why? How do you feel about the liberal "agenda"? So, you think gays are diseased and anyone who engages in premarital sex sinning against the God of Abraham? Do you feel that a womans proper place is in the home? Come on. We're living in a post-Enlightenment world here.