Let me state first, I don't really care if someone calls me a racist because I resent people coming illegally into the country and getting benefits that come from my tax dollars. Here in California, we have had hospitals or emergency rooms close because they can't afford to stay in business because of treating so many illegal people who can't pay. School grades in many areas have dropped because there are so many children who don't speak English who are in the classrooms, and teachers have to take extra time with these students. Businesses who use illegal aliens as workers aren't paying their fair share of payroll taxes, which means that we can't add to our police forces, fire departments, etc. Welfare costs have risen because money is given to people who should not be in the country in the first place.
I am not poor, but I'm certainly not rich. Yet, I have to find money to send my son to a private school, because the school around the corner from me has such low test scores and so many discipline problems that I am unwilling to let him go there. By no means am I saying this is all the fault of people who are here illegally, however, it has definitely been a huge contributor to the problem, at least in this area. California has spent over 10 BILLION DOLLARS for the education, health care and imprisonment of illegal aliens.
Border patrol and INS agents aren't able to do their jobs effectively, because so many politicians here in California are afraid of losing votes that they won't allow sweeps, reprimand them when they stop too many from crossing the border, and refuse to allow them to raid workplaces known to harbor illegals, because they say it's "profiling". People here are so afraid of being politically correct, they aren't even supposed to use the term "illegal alien" they are supposed to say "undocumented workers". It's a bunch of crap!
I understand that there are many countries where things are hard, and the US still seems like the promised land. But, it's the promised land on the backs of its citizens, who are being forced to carry the financial load by taxation. It is no more fair to expect me to work my ass off to pay for the illegal imigration problem than it is for me to expect to go to a rich individual's house and eat their food and sleep in their home just because they have so much more than I do.
Happyout - definitely not happy with the state of the nation