Hello, anotheropenviewpoint, and welcome,
You said "So 'effin what!? So what if the "prophecies" were not right, So what if they didnt get it right the first time and have changed many beliefs over time... SO 'EFFIN WHAT! I say. Because it is the ability for the people within the JW culture to adapt, be flexible, see and admit new truth when it is presented to them without a doubt."
I will tell you EFFIN WHAT. Those misinterpretations of the bible caused people TO DIE. When the WTS said organ transplants were cannibalism, people DIED following that incorrect information. Familes have been torn apart because a member could not in good conscience accept a belief they knew to be wrong. People have taken their own lives because of the tremendous emotional agony following this religion brought them. People are still dying over their misinterpretation of the blood issue.
Now, don't get me wrong. If you want to go back, and it makes you feel better, and you feel it's the right thing to do, more power to you. I happen to believe some people need religion to make them feel safe, secure, and complete. So, good for you, and best wishes for your future. BUT, don't try to whitewash or toss aside the very real issues that a lot of people have this this religion. They have legitimate reasons and feelings, just like you.