I never saw a purple cow
I never hope to see one
But I can tell you anyhow
I'd rather see than be one
do you remember any poems you learned by heart at school?
well, go on, recite it.... i remember this very short one:.
"a ball of fur, inhabited by purr" now that is the shortest poem i ever heard.
I never saw a purple cow
I never hope to see one
But I can tell you anyhow
I'd rather see than be one
i was wondering if any on board would like to put their input about the two boys who supposedly killed themselves.-it might help other kids who are taught borg doctrine.
( just a thought)i am sure there is much depression among the young who can they go to???
Hi, Mouthy,
I'm sorry, I must not be well read, because I don't remember too many details of this story. Is this the one where the mother insists the father killed the boys?
i love my family.
but i've been stressed and depressed because of them.
and i just need to gain some understanding.. being raised in a jw family laid alot of pressure and guilt on me.
Sometimes it's hard to make sense of people's motivations. The simple answer is, you can't. What your mother did to you was assault, pure and simple, and she could have been (and probably should have been) arrested. It's rough being out on your own, but I truly believe that you are better (and safer) away from them. If she called you a demon, that opens all kinds of doors for them to call in the elders and try to get the demon out of you. Or to feel free to hit you again. You are so so so much better off now.
I know it's hard, but you will find a ton of support on this board, and we are all pulling for you.
Good luck, and don't look back,
i am not writing these quetions to offend anyone, i am just seeking honest answers.
will you jehovah's witnesses help me in finding answers?
there is only 1 god.
Hi "the real truth"
I am not sure you are aware, but this is not a Pro-Jehovah's Witness site. The vast majority of posters on this board are former Jehovah's Witnesses, and some are atheists, born again Christians, etc. There are a few, but I just wanted to let you know.
My personal opinion about there being one God is, he's not a very nice entity or father or whatever to allow all this suffering for all this time. It is immaterial to me if there are one or many, the job is not getting done.
using your anger to make positive changes in your life
i was so mad i just exploded in rage.
how many times have you heard someone say, "that wasn't very mature of you," after you have lost your temper.
This is a wonder post, and one I will print and reread in depth. I was the 4th child in a dysfunctional household, and I was the "pleaser". I did almost anything I could to smooth things over, regardless of whether the issue was my fault or even involved me. I am sometimes still this way, usually only within my marriage, but it's a dangerous place to be. The problem with my way of doing things is, even though on the surface the situation is better, internally I am enraged. I hide it behind laughter, and as you pointed out, sarcasm (but only the "funny" kind) but it is there. I am in need of constructive ways to express my feelings, and also to allow myself the right to feel those less than positive emotions.
So, thank you for this, and all your posts. You are so often the voice of sanity and reason when things get heated.
i've asked my husband about this many times, and he always manages to skirt the issue.
here is the point i try to get across to him: .
first of all, you have to agree that god is fundamentally fair (he agrees with me on this point.
I'm sorry, were you looking for logic in this religion????
Happyout (tears of laughter streaming from her eyes)
i finally sent off the 3 page letter to my parents that spelled it out for them...where i was in my life and where they fit into that.
my pop had sent me an email initially that prompted my long-winded response to him.
he opened the door for me to say what i wanted to say and i took it.
It took a great deal of courage to send that letter, and I hope it works out for the best. Maybe this will be a cathartic experience for you.
i'll be on vacation for 2 weeks starting friday, july 11. i have no immediate plans to do anything unless i feel the notion to do so.
i won't be posting as i am putting my brain on a shelf because i refuse to think until monday, july 28. .
my two year anniversary with the board is tomorrow!
Good for you!! However, I believe you owe us the latest and final installment on the Hillary and David saga, right? You have fans, you can't just leave us in the lurch!
Have a great vacation.
perhaps the borg should consider trying to enliven the boring old meetings by giving talks, both special needs and others, spiffy movie style titles.
for a talk on volunteering to help out in for field service: "dude, where's your car?".
for a chat on the latest us stats and figures: "american pie chart".
Their first 1914 rigamorole: The Matrix
Their latest 1914 rigamorole : The Matrix Reloaded
The latest light on treatment of DA and DF'd : Terminator3
recently a poster shared with us that her father had committed infidelity.
then 3-5 years later, decides he can no longer live with the guilt and confesses to his wife.
he alone with his actions turned the entire family upside down.
I tend to agree that when you have erred in this way, but want to continue with your marriage etc. it's best to live with the guilt alone. Confession is generally a selfish thing in these cases, as all it does is cause pain. However, when you are a JW, you are taught that you aren't supposed to deal with God on your own. You are supposed to go to the body of elders and confess your sin. Then they get to decide if you are truly repentant and mete out whatever punishment they see fit. To many non-brainwashed people this is not much different from a Catholic needing to go to confession, with the exception that Catholics don't then kick you out of the church for confessing.
So, the man who confessed was trying to do the "right" thing in the eyes of God, and he and his family have been punished for it.
If you're not a JW, this would be a good example of why you shouldn't become one.