I have found that SOME men will call women dikey or unattractice AFTER that woman rejected them.
I have also found that SOME men call women "feminists" as though it is a negative thing, because that woman has accomplished something they have not.
I have found that SOME men call women bitches if the woman is strong, intelligent, and unafraid to speak her mind.
I have also found that ANYONE who groups an entire group of people ( or even "most" of a group) with one label is BIASED.
I am an attractive, intelligent woman, who has a very well paying job, a VERY good looking husband (who happens to make less money than I do), and who is sometimes called a bitch when I don't kiss some unibrow man's ass. Go figure.
Happyout (any Jujubees with that popcorn?) reposted from the other thread on this same topic