(((((((((((Cassi and family)))))))) words can't express how sorry I am
thirteen years ago my nieces were murdered.
today is a hard day for me, remembering the phone call the shock and pain.
lives stolen in a moment.
(((((((((((Cassi and family)))))))) words can't express how sorry I am
anytime something went wrong in the world with an individual, they would use them as example over and over and over again.. the most common one i heard was brother a got into big trouble with __________ (insert problem here, pick any one), see this is what happens when you leave the organization.. so how many jw's will be saying ............. "did you hear what happened to kobe, big successful athlete, see he didn't have god's organization and satan got him.".
i wonder how many jw parents especially in the la area will make their kids stop wearing number 8. he did and admit to committing adultrey.
sexual assault, i don't think so.
What are the chances that this will be a "fair" trial? Already people, literally from all over the world, have expressed their opinions based on nothing more than a public image and a few news stories. Add to that the fact that this is a very small, predominantly white town, and I just don't see how "justice" will really get served. Maybe I am too cynical, but I think most people have made up their minds already.
I definitely think Kobe is an idiot for getting into the situation. Why was he on the 1st floor, and his body guards on the 3rd? If the alleged victim did "offer" herself to him, why take her up on it? He has a beautiful wife, a new daughter, and most importantly HE KNOWS WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ATHLETES IN THE PAST.
I am a huge Laker fan, and I am rather pleased to see that I haven't let myself assume he's innocent just because of that. This is a very sad young lady, even without this brouhaha, and I hope she gets the help she needs.
what kind of an example are we setting for young witness girls regarding modesty?
i personally think she looks nice, although maybe she should try for some darker colors; but because of her jw affiliation, it justs makes one stagger at the double standards.
"I was surprised at the crude language used by Brother Jah. Jehovah's people are careful to not use foul language and euphamisms common to worldly people. Methinks your useful habits are becoming spoiled by associating with us." written by Undercover
ROFLMAO!!! Yes, SOJ has said many times that s/he is here to "witness". Let's hope this is not the language s/he uses while in the door to door ministry.
I don't really think the Williams are ugly, per se, I just think they don't know how to make the most of their best qualities. No, really. Honestly. Isn't every woman beautiful in her own way?
Happyout (snickering just a bit)
jesse jackson, jim baker and jimmy swaggert have written an impressive new book.
it's called "ministers do more than lay people.".
transvestite: a guy who likes to eat, drink and be mary.. .
These were great!
are jw marriages any better than the ones 'in the world' as they put it?
when they walk from door to door or mingle after a meeting they appear to be models of ideal marriages.
do you have any experiences with married couples in the 'truth'?
Maybe my siblings are the exceptions, but they all have really happy marriages. And they are not faking, because they are pretty open when they are disagreeing. But, overall, I rate their marriages as the happiest ones I know of.
I have seen other JW marriages that I didn't think much of, but I really didn't think much of the people as individuals anyway.
I have non JW friends, some with good marriages, some on the rocks, but none can touch my siblings.
Happyout (who may be just a little biased where her family is concerned)
what kind of an example are we setting for young witness girls regarding modesty?
i personally think she looks nice, although maybe she should try for some darker colors; but because of her jw affiliation, it justs makes one stagger at the double standards.
SHE NEEDS A BRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after my recent barrage of elder visits i've been told that to truly show i'm willing to work at restoring my faith a bs is needed.. i want to be able to pick a few recent publications (last 10 yrs) and sit down with him and examine all the quotes and references in the publications to show how the society has misquoted and misrepresented so much in their publications.
do you know which publications would be best..keeping in mind the reference material will also have to readily accessible to be of any use.
i don't think searching on the internet will be acceptable to him.. .
I'm with Blondie on this one, make yourself completely unavailable. You will be playing on their court with their ball and their rules. No matter how honestly and innocently you try to ask the questions, a refusal to immediately swallow whatever drivel they are peddling is seen as suspicious. Instead of answering your questions, they will start to question you and your beliefs and your motives.
No good can come of this if you want to avoid being judged and perhaps DF'd. However, the choice is up to you, and I wish you all the best, whatever you decide.
recently we had a death in the family.
my little baby, my granddaughter died before she reached the age of 2.. i really loved that little girl.
this saddens me to no end.
Much love to you and your family.
My condolences to you in your loss. I wish there were more I could do.
who has heard some really far out, off the wall, el whacko beliefs from jws over the years??.
here's an example....yesterday a couple of jehopeless witlesses told me that riding my bicycle was the doings of the devil because, since a bicycle can't stand up by itself, it's impossible to ride one without the devil holding you up.
does anybody know what bible verse they use to support this?
Ditto Logansrun
i just got this from an active jw friend who i have not seen in 3 years and rarely talk too via e-mail.
keep in mind i was never dunked and left almost 7 years ago.
the elders went and saw my df'd sister last week after 10+ years.
I think you handled it wonderfully. I might have suggested that since gossip goes against the society's teachings, she might want to talk to her body of elders about the person who is sharing such gossip with her, so that congregation can remain clean. But that's just me.
Great job,