Hi everyone. Does anyone know if this "reactivation" procedure is going to happen in Canada?
has anyone seen a copy of the letter to the elders, about the upcoming visits on inactive ones?.
does anyone have this letter, and can you post it?
i was wondering if anyone has a soloution to this little problem: as we all know, the wt claims to be the faithful and discreet slave, jehovah's spirit directed channel, blah blah blah, but i don't think they ever actually said the word prophet in relation to themselves.
if they have, i've yet to find the quote.
does anyone know how to get around this problem when a thoroughly brainwashed sheep uses the defense that "the wt never said they were a prophet so that argument is not valid"?
i, the lord, am your god.
you shall not have other gods besides me.
"do you put your trust in the faithful and descret slave and see them as god's visable representatives?
the two "get out of jail cards" that the society plays when explaining away failed predictions are:
god's prophecies are never wrong, its just our interpretation, let's wait a while and when things are clearer we'll tell you in retrospect what the prophecy really was.
we never actually said that, it was the rank and file, they got over excited.
It was something the WT taught back in the early 1900's.
man they used to come up with some corny topics, and even worse covers.
it made an already unbearable task even worse.
the top of the crap pile for me was trying to place a magazine entitled the salty drink that saves lives.
hope everyone's weekend is going well so far.
anyway, i just had two brothers show up at my door, and i was planning to bring up an issue they couldn't solve and befuddle and confuse them.
but, wouldn't ya know it, i couldn't just blurt out, "how do you explain the 1914 teaching?
there is a lot of talk about the wts wealth, and even perhaps the idea that they are running out of money, hence the reduction at bethel.. i grew up a witness, so most of the time i really didn't have money to give.
i really preferred toys and things like that.
as i got older, and got a job as a teenager, then again, my money was spent on more expensive toys, and spending money hanging out with friends.. i got married young, and stayed active as a witness for about 4 more years.
hope everyone's weekend is going well so far.
anyway, i just had two brothers show up at my door, and i was planning to bring up an issue they couldn't solve and befuddle and confuse them.
but, wouldn't ya know it, i couldn't just blurt out, "how do you explain the 1914 teaching?
hope everyone's weekend is going well so far.
anyway, i just had two brothers show up at my door, and i was planning to bring up an issue they couldn't solve and befuddle and confuse them.
but, wouldn't ya know it, i couldn't just blurt out, "how do you explain the 1914 teaching?
what did santa bring all you good little boy's and girls for christmas?.
(hope i didn't miss a thread where someone already asked, but you'll let me know right?).
i got a sifting kitty litter box for the basement (i like it).