"listen for we have the truth"
"the demons are stealing our youth"
a few of the lies
that if you are wise
can be seen if you take time to sleuth
jackie ;)
okay, here's my submission, for your laughter and/or groans:.
there once was a witness called fred,.
who thought that he was by god led.. he studied his greek,.
"listen for we have the truth"
"the demons are stealing our youth"
a few of the lies
that if you are wise
can be seen if you take time to sleuth
jackie ;)
ok this is not to say that only jws are anti-abortion or that persons are not capable of fluctuating on this issue for reasons other than orthodox jw reasons or completely unrelated to them, *phew*.
but what i was wondering and my question for the exjws here is this: .
i dont personally think i could ever have an abortion... however that is my choice. i can not and will not make that choice for another woman.
how's your weekend going?
mrs ozzie and i have spent a very happy time with friends from the australian navy and enjoyed a fine meal at a really fine vietnamese restaurant up "in the big smoke".
what were we drinking?
if i did not do everything they taught or said, god would kill me.
did u ever feel so depressed u felt the only thing that could get rid of the pain was to commit suicide???
?...well i tried that tonite,i know its not a good thing ,but i felt it was the only way out..well im still here so i didnt do it,thank god,my wrists have lil cuts everywhere tho,i just hope no one sees them..if u guys remember me yall know it has been an ongoing battle with my parents cause i dont wanna be a witness.. now i literally cannot do nothing!
they dont trust me at all!
please post back and let us know youre okay. youre in my heart and you have my email if you need anything.
first, i never was a jw, but since a dear friend of mine is one, i'm here to learn from the human elements in order to give her quiet assistance in leaving someday (soon, i hope).... i love reading.
my favorite author thru the years has been cs lewis.
i read narnia in hs, and loved the last book the best (last battle).
edgar allen poe, jean m auel, and jk rowling (how do you not love harry potter )
did u ever feel so depressed u felt the only thing that could get rid of the pain was to commit suicide???
?...well i tried that tonite,i know its not a good thing ,but i felt it was the only way out..well im still here so i didnt do it,thank god,my wrists have lil cuts everywhere tho,i just hope no one sees them..if u guys remember me yall know it has been an ongoing battle with my parents cause i dont wanna be a witness.. now i literally cannot do nothing!
they dont trust me at all!
shy... if you need to talk ill wait in chat for a while. if ever you need someone to listen please email me directly at [email protected]. suicide is never the answer, there is always hope.
i've decided that i will just give you folks my music for now!.
i have tons of it to do, and share.. my music ain't that bad.
really.. (i might snipe a few miscreants from time-to-time, though).
::::smile:::: im truly looking forward to it, farkel.
one of the sins that a jehovah's witness can get disfellowshipped for is gambling.
those that occasionally gamble, even for pennies, are considered "greedy ones".
of course, playing the stock market or futures is not considered gambling these are "investments".personally, i enjoy a little gambling.
:::chuckling::: minimus, you would think it would be really cool, wouldnt you? however, like any job after a while it becomes drudgery. however i can say ive seen very interesting things and people.
sandy, craps is certainly my favorite game in the house. $40 to $300? quite possible. it is a game where you can either make a *lot* of money very quickly or lose it quickly.
late last summer i got the piano music for saint-saens delicious danse macabre.
i downloaded it for free on the net.
what an awesome free gift and what a monstrous monkey it became on my back!
pope, certainly it would be easier... just much less interesting to watch ;)
one of the sins that a jehovah's witness can get disfellowshipped for is gambling.
those that occasionally gamble, even for pennies, are considered "greedy ones".
of course, playing the stock market or futures is not considered gambling these are "investments".personally, i enjoy a little gambling.
what an interesting topic, for me particularly.
i love playing poker with my family. its always a friendly game with low stakes and a lot of comraderie.
i used to play at the casinos here in missouri a bit, but stopped because being a single girl with a mortgage means i pay a bit more attention to my finances than i used to ;)
what makes this topic particularly interesting for me is that i work at a casino. i am a supervisor of table games, or what most people would call a pit boss. boy, was that a fun conversation with my jw dad ;)