Topics Started by JNS2
Wasting PRECIOUS time !?!
by JNS2 ini was just feeling guilty wasting all this time reading these threads, new & old.
but then it occurred to me how much time i spent going to 5 meetings a week, going in field service, studying & preparing, getting dressed up & travelling back & forth to the kh for more than two decades.
i have a long way to go to catch up!!!.
Not enough proper investigation.
by JNS2 inlast night there was a true story about a man who killed his wife by setting up another man, getting him to come to their house.
he murdered both the wife & the other man.
the police immediately thought the guy was innocent so they closed the case right away.
What about praying NOW???
by JNS2 innow that my decision to leave the organization is made, there is definitely a sense of relief.
i know i'm leaving a controlling organization, not my faith in god.
so i'm still praying at various times during the day, but it has become a very odd thing now.
Why did I fall away from the truth???
by JNS2 inno, i don't think it is the "truth" any more, but for 22 years i did.
that is what makes this so very difficult to come to grips with, admitting that i wasted all that time as a mindless drone.
(borg) anyway, i've been trying to analyze why i have fallen away.
The Garden of Eden
by JNS2 inwhen i started studying with the jws, the matter of whether the genesis account should be taken literally was glossed over quickly.
i think it was one of those "it'll be clearer later on, so let's continue with the study at hand".
it really was an issue for me even from the beginning because my work has always been in the science field.
WE ARE ALONE.....or are we?
by JNS2 inone of the things that i think i was supposed to believe all my years in the organization was that the earth is the only inhabited planet.
am i right in this or am i having a flashback???
is there other life in the universe?
Sing out the Kingdom songs!!!
by JNS2 inremember all the counsel to sing out the songs?
that's great except so many of us couldn't sing our way out of a paper bag.
i remember visiting a congregation in colo. & a sister was really following the counsel, top of her lungs.
nagging doubt
by JNS2 inmy journey from lurker to poster was pretty quick.
all the posts are addicting to read, this is worse than being a couch potato.
i've been fortified to make a clean break & them the little inner voice starts talking back.
Ray Franz' Book
by JNS2 inhowdy, i'm new here.
21 years in & now about 1 year drifted away with no meetings for spiritual food other than the memorial.
so, in my brother's view i am either spiritually dead or the next thing to it.