Reminds me of this one sweet lady in the congregation I was in. In my opinion, she was the only REAL good person there. She had saved up enough money to live on until she died, and she was budgeting her money in such a way that she could survive off it. Wish I could do that. Anyway, this one Ministerial Servant knew of how much money she had. He told her that a brother he was friends with was starting a new business, and needed some money to get it started. He promised her that she would get more than twice as much back. She refused. However, the Servant pushed, pushed, and kept bugging her about it, making it sound like such a good idea. She finally gave in.
The business flopped, and she lost all her money. She went to the elders about this situation. He was repentant. Now, this sweet lady had to go out and get a job. She's still pissed off about it, and I don't blame her. So much for the trustworthy brothers.