I never got baptised, sure I *wanted* to when I was very small (up until about 11 anyway) but little kids want to do a lot of stupid stuff, doesn't mean you *let* them! The youngest I know of a kid getting dipped was the PO's granddaughter at 9-ish.
JoinedPosts by glitter
How old were you when you got Baptised?
by El Kabong ini was 13 at the time.
i wanted to get baptised before the end came in 1975. .
back then, 13 was borderline young for baptism, but from what i've been reading, some are now getting baptised as young as 9 or 10. .
Should I Convert to Become a MORMON??
by Latte injust thought id share with you.
any tips on dealing with them would be greatly appreciated..thanks!
yesterday, i had two lovely young men at my door - they were mormons.
The whole "magical knickers" thing fascinates me. But not enough to convert to try them on.
For real or slip of the pen?
by seedy3 inok in another thread found here i found here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/55200/1.ashx it references some articles by roberta moore, whos children were killed and she is blaming the wts (and i don't doubt it at all), you can read about it in that thread and corresponding links.
now as much as i feel for this person, because i know, this cult is responsable for countless deaths all over the world be it from suicide, "persicution", the blood issue and the list goes on.
i wonder if these pictures are for real in what she is claiming or can we go to any picture and find hidden symbols that are just the way the picture was drawn, with no real meaning at all.
Whether the images that definitely *are* in WT publications (and I mean the goat head in the Live Forever book for example) are from artists playing about, secret-apostate artists or secret devil-worshipping artists or if anybody higher up knew what was going on (because until an ex WT artist comes here, we won't know) - David Icke is and always will be a total nutter who fill find a conspiracy in anything.
Do you remember your last meeting?
by freedom96 inlast meeting i ever went to was a memorial, 6 years ago.
i remember it well, and it wasn't even my own hall.
it was so boring.
The last bookstudy I went to, we were studying the Family Happiness book. I looked ahead in the book and found that next week's study was about sexual perversion - I thought *no way am I going to sit here while they discuss bestiality while there are kids in the room and I'm still a minor myself*. Cried off sick the next week, went the memorial ages after that (1999 I think) and NEVER went back.
famous jehovahs witnesses
by Rush inthis is my first post.. when i was still a witness myself, there were some perennial stories regarding 'famous' jehovahs witnesses or ex's.
does anyone know any truth or have any proof about the following: hank marvin, cliff richard and more importantly, the man who hit the gong in the 'rank' movies?.
if you have anyone of note you want to tell me about, i'd most appreciate it too.. cheers, rush.
Tony Adams (ex England footballer) and that bloke with the fringe out of Slade.
Have any been lifelong JWs and still been successful? It seems they either join when the rock 'n' roll lifestyle bites them on the bum or leave before they're famous (except Michael Jackson).
Will the Watchtower take down their website?
by integ inwhat can the watchtower do to stop the influx of their flock from going to apostate web sites that expose their false doctrines?
one way would be to take down their website so no one would even have a reason to get on line.
too severe right?
On a side note, how STUPID is the WT not to register every possible domain name (not even that expensive to do, certainly not on $952m or whatever!) reffering to their religion *years ago* to stop eeeeeeevil deeeemin-possessed apostates like Simon getting their hands on them? [:D]
Lu'au anyone
by shotgun inone of many ways to experience a slice of island culture, the lu'au (loo-ow) is a hawaiian tradition: a feast to celebrate accomplishments, honor important people and commemorate great events.
in old hawai'i it was a time to pay homage to ancestral gods with song, dance and offerings of food, a grand celebration that sometimes lasted for days.. .
lu'au description taken from hawaii.com.
If the WT took a softer standpoint on birthdays and called it a "conscience issue", probably only about 10% would think "*hang on a minute*!" the rest would be saying how wonderful it was that the Faithful and Discreet Slave said that and just assuming it was they themselves who must have got it wrong all that time...
WTS Addresses Child Abuse - er, kind of...
by iiz2cool inmy wife, who is intent on re-activating herself as a dub since i da'd myself, went to the convention this past weekend.
she showed me this new publication entitled "learn from the great teacher", and placed great emphasis on these two pages i scanned and am posting.
it makes a poor show of telling children what to do when confronted by a child abuser.
This is appalling. "Worldly" advice for children *never* speaks in such an explicit way - "the areas that are covered by your swimsuit" explains things on a level kids can understand without being disturbing about it.
"I will tell on you!" WHO?!!!! The WT could say "it's up to parents to advise their children", but the majority of kids who abused are abused by a parent or relatve! JW kids who are being abused NOW will read this book, they won't have their parents telling them who to tell!
"Worldly" advice would be "tell a relative, a neighbour, a friend's parent, your teacher, your teacher's assistant, your babysitter, the school nurse, Child Line, the police, ANY adult you can trust, and keep on telling until s/he is punished" they don't say who to tell or what will happen to the abuser when they do - they don't even say to tell an elder!
I would really like to get a copy of the book to show my mum (about 50% out and inactive) - I might have blown my chance to get from the only elder she is still in touch with though, as I mentioned the book a week before he would have got it at last weekend's assembly - he's going to be wondering *how* I knew about it...
Manchester Assembly
by Gadget ini've been talking to a few witnesses who were at the assembly this weekend, and apparently there were loads of apostates there!
any body from here go?
i was told about silent lambs, and some others who were giving out leaflets.
There was a bomb scare at Leeds a few years back, a suspect package was in a stairwell and it was blown up by the bomb squad but it turned out to just be a box of Bibles a brother had left there and forgotten about!
This was reported on Ceefax news and the brother was in my old congregation.
28 Days Later
by OrbitingTheSun in.
i just saw 28 days later, and it was great!
I thought it was really really good up until the point <spoiler> got infected - if he had escaped and gone on to terrorise the others, that would have been fine. But I hated the army part, they should have concentrated on the scary infected crazy people.
Oh and it has the most outrageously obvious and over the top product placement since "Mac and Me"!
But the first half an hour or so was great, like I said.